Faithful, -ish

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Rafael's POV
Naomi went home around 8 pm but I still had paper work to do. At sometime near 10:45 I went to a bar near my apartment before I went home.
I was downing my third scotch when a lady sat to the left of me, of all the seats at the bar, seriously?
She brushed her hand against the top of my arm to get my attention. "Hmm?" I glared over to see she had the most immodest black dress on. No.
"Hi, I'm Erin." The dark-eyed brunette smiled as she crossed her legs, facing towards me. Her dress slid gradually farther up her legs as she pulled a piece of paper and pen out, scribbling something down.
I politely nodded and looked back down at the fourth drink the waitress delivered to me.
"...and you are?"
"Huh, oh. Rafael."
"Rafael... I like it."
Before thinking I blurted out suddenly, "My girlfriend likes it too." Then gulped the rest of the scotch I was nursing.
Erin didn't seem to back down one bit, "Oh but Rafael, I don't see a ring." She tapped the fourth finger of my left hand, the one that was wrapped around my glass tightly.
"Debería haber ido a casa..." I shook my head as I stood to go.
She stood and skipped along side me, "Aw, where ya goin' Rafi?"
"Please do not," I stopped and faced her abruptly. "Don't."
She pouted out her bottom lip before folding the piece of paper she wrote on and sliding it into my suit jacket's pocket. "Sorry, sir."
I cringed as she walked back to the bar counter, swaying her hips dramatically. Too tired to worry about what was on the wretched piece of paper she gave me, I went home.
When I got there, Naomi was asleep in a one of my old Harvard shirts on the couch. Awh. I snuck into the bedroom and changed into the first pair of pajama pants I could find, not bothering to find a shirt. I'll shower in the morning.
I go back into the living room to wake her up. "Cariño," I sat at the opposite end of the couch and run my fingers up and down her legs slowly. "You're gonna be in pain tomorrow if you sleep on the couch."
"Hmph," she turned and faced into the couch.
"Come one princesita, the bedroom is a few steps away."
She sighed stubbornly before sitting up and giving me her attempt at a death glare. "What time is it?"
"Somewhere around 11 pm."
"Ugggghhhh," she fell back onto the couch.
I leaned over her to look at her face, "No no no, come on." Grabbing her hands and pulling her back to sit up only made her more grumpy. She got up and stomped off into the bedroom.
Before I followed after her, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. It wasn't more than three minutes until i walked into the bedroom. Naomi was laying on the bed, the wrong way, half asleep.
"Baaabe, can you maybe put your head on the pillows and not your feet?" I sat next to her and nudged her side.
All I got was a "hmph" as she sat up and crawled to the top of the bed.
I waited for her to be comfortable before I laid next to her and pulled the blanket over us.
She rolled over and cuddled up to my side and asked "Where's your shirt?" while she started to trace her fingers around my chest.
"You're wearing it niña." I ran my fingers through her hair.
Neither of us spoke again, we just fell asleep. It seems idiotic but this was the happiest I have been in a while. Naomi was special, but I feel like I'm robbing her of... something.
She's so young, and she could be out doing more exciting things than working with/dating a guy like me. What was she thinking? Not that I would actually ask. I'm too scared she'd realize it is a waste, then leave me.
Bueno, entonces, ¿qué haría yo?

Naomi's POV
When I woke up, it was somewhere around 4 am. Well I assumed, since it was still dark out. I sneaked off into the living room where my phone was, the second one Rafi has bought me since the first time Nevada got it taken as evidence.
I confirmed my guess as it was 4:32 am. Nice. After wondering into the kitchen and eating a raw strawberry poptart, I went back into the room to see if Rafi was awake. He wasn't.
A pile of clothes on the floor caught my eye so I picked up the scattered clothes and threw them into the laundry bin in the bathroom. I noticed a folded up paper flutter out of Rafael's suit-jacket's pocket. I probably shouldn't...
Settling on the bathroom floor, I crossed my legs and read the paper:

Call me

What in God's name...?
Every bit of rational thinking left my mind as I stomped into the bedroom. I picked up the pillow on my side and walked over to Rafael's side of the bed. I hit him in the face as hard as I could. Which wasn't that hard, but enough to wake him.
"What the hell?" He sat up and looked at me, rubbing his eyes. "What's tha-"
"Who's Erin!?" I shoved the paper into his face and he froze. When he didn't say anything, I dropped the paper in his lap to free my hands and wipe the tears that sneaked down my face.
He put the paper on the bed beside him and stood slowly in front of me. Gently placing his hands on my shoulders, "Naomi, it was some señora promiscua at the bar. I was tired and she put it in my pocket but I never planned on calling her."
"Oh suuure." I shook my head and laughed, sarcastically. "Like I'm supposed to believe that."
Rafael pulled my head up to face him with his hand under my chin. "Cariño, I wouldn't-"
"Wouldn't cheat on me? What do you hold the Nevada thing against me or something? Like I must've wanted that, right?" Finally saying what I assumed he'd been silently accusing me of. He looked distraught, but I couldn't take back what I've already said.
We stared at each other. Me, panicing about if he'd lash out in anger or something. Him, probably thinking of a good enough refute to make sure I'd have no rebuttle to.
"If I wanted to cheat on you, don't you think I'd be a little more better at hiding it?" I don't think he realized what was wrong with that sentence until after he uttered it.
I scoffed in his face and stomped to find something to wear. Not being patient enough to stay in his presence for any longer than I had to, I grab the first pair of jeans and t-shirt I found and walked to the bathroom without saying another word.
After showering I speed walked past Rafael, who was in the kitchen, to the bedroom. I started putting any of my clean clothes I could find into my bookbag. I tried to sneak out so I wouldn't have to talk to Rafael again until I seen him at his office, since I work there.
As soon as I squeaked open the front door, I heard the fridge shut. "See you at work."
Dick head.

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