twenty one

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Filler Chapter

*Justin's POV* (Yes guysssss)

{3 years ago}

"Justin, you got 30 minutes to get your ass down here!" Scooter yelled through the phone.

He's always up my ass, but whatever.

"I'll be there Scoot, can you just not scream? I've got a major headache." I pull the covers off my body, and sit up.

"And whose fault is that?" Scooter told him and I my roll my eyes.

Maybe I shouldn't have gotten drunk yesterday.

"Whatever, I'll be there." And then I hang up.

I grumble a few word as he gets out of bed and head to my shower.

I need to get laid.

All of Scooters yelling is getting me frustrated.

I take a quick shower, scrubbing my body 2x harder than I always do. That always helps me wake up.

When I'm out the shower, I dry myself quickly and head to my closet, and try to pick out an outfit.

I wasn't really feeling it today, so I grabbed a pair of gray sweats and a black tank top. And to top I off, I wore some black supras.

I only had 15 minutes left before Scooter would be on my ass again, and I sure did not want that. So I grabbed my keys and my sun glasses and headed out to my car.

As soon as my car started, I was out and headed to the studio.


"I'm here, what do you want?" I sit down in a chair across from Scooter. I really didn't want to be here. One, my head hurt like a fucking bitch and two,
I had more important things to do.

Okay maybe I didn't.

"I have a new client and I want you to meet her." Scooter tells me and I roll my eyes. "Can I leave after this?" I asks.

"Sure, just be nice." Scooter warns me and I sigh. "She'll be up in a few."

She at least better be hot.

"And no attempts to try and sleep with her." Scooter warns again and I smirk. "No promises."

"Justin, I swear if I find out tha-"

But the sound of the door cut him off and I sighed in satisfaction. Whoever opened the door just saved my life.

"Excuse me." A angelic voice from behind me and I snapped my head around.

Holy shit.

"I'm Ariana Grande, nice to meet you." She smiles warmly at me and my heart flutters a bit.

God she was beautiful.

Her hair was dark brown and she had these innocent brown eyes that I could just stare in for a long time. Her skin was a nice tan and she had a perfect smile. Her body was perfect, she had curves in all the right places. And she was short. Really short, but I thought it was adorable.

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