twenty four

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Here it is 😭 Last chapter


"Why are you here Ariana?"

"Now that's not a nice way to greet a friend," Ariana pouts.

"We were never friends, you were just a tool,"

"Yea, but this tool apparently, was not able to fix the thing you wanted," Ariana shrugs a sly grin on her face.

"Your a bitch, you know that,"

"Can't deny it," Ariana smirks.

"What do you want?" Selena narrows her eyes at the brunette in front of her.

"Lets put our grudge behind us and become friends again!" Ariana says excitedly, making Selena tilt her head in confusion.

"So your saying that you are willing to become friends with me after I threatened to hurt you, lied to your face, and called you a bitch?"


"Your an idiot,"

"Not gonna deny it,"

"How exactly do you know I'm not gonna betray you?" Selena asked.

Ariana gives Selena a warming smile. "I know your in love with someone else. What you weren't realizing before was that Justin was a tool to you too. He was only used to distract you from the person you really love,"

Selena scoffs. "Yeah right, I'm in love with Justin, not anyone else,"

"So your saying you don't have any feelings for Niall?"


"You should hurry though, Ellie Goulding might just steal your man," Ariana turns to walk away, but Selena grabs her hand.

"Why are you doing this?" Selena whispered. "I've been nothing but a bitch to you and your so nice to me, why?"

Ariana shrugs. "I guess because the situation isn't so bad, so I decided to give you a second chance. It's hard to let someone close to go, you know what I mean?"

Selena feels her eyes water.

"Curse you Ariana," she whispers and Ariana smiles.

"Are you going to start crying, because if you are I should really go. The whole room is going to start floodi-"

"Shut up,"

"I was just kidding, sheesh,"


Ariana added Selena to he chat...

Kendall is typing...

Kendall: Wyd Ari?

Kylie is typing...

Kylie: ^

Ariana is typing...

Ariana: Everyone deserves a second chance.

Ariana: Right Justin?

Justin is typing...

Justin: I hate when you do this.

Justin: But yeah.

Justin: Well unless the person is a bitch .

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