BONUS CHAPTER: Main Characters POV

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Prologue for the Sequel: Ivy

19 years old;

Dani POV

Fuck you, Ace Malik.

It was supposed to be perfect.

We were supposed to be perfect.

Everything was going so well. We were a perfect couple, well at least that's what I thought.

Falling for your dad's best friends son was not what I expected to happen.

It was one of those secret relationships, my Dad and brothers were to protective to let me have a boyfriend.

So if they figured out that I dated or was dating Ace, then real shit would go down.

But now, I regret everything.

I regret ever listening to all the lies he fed me. For coming back to him every time.

I regret forgiving him for being mean to me and causing most of my insecurities when I was younger.

I regret walking into that room that day to find his dick buried into another girl, telling her how much he loved her.

I regret falling for him, my naive self was so blind.

"Fuck you, Ace," I repeated multiple times, tears running down my face. "I hate you so much, why would you do this to me? I gave you everything. Was she better than me?"

I wanted to ask him these things, but I didn't want to face him. Just imagining his face makes my heart ache.

Maybe I'll forget about him when I head for France in 2 days. Maybe it won't faze me anymore.

Whole lies...

Fuck it.

Fuck this, I should just leave now and get it over with.

I don't need this. I don't need anyone right now, not even my family. I just... I need to find myself. By myself.

I stand up tall, waking over to grab some paper and a pen.

I sit down at my desk, thinking of things to say. I don't want to leave without letting them know somewhat.

Dear loved ones,

I'm sorry, but I have decided to leave.

I'm not telling you where I'm going, for I know you will find me and take me back home.

You can search the whole world, you can send the best detectives or whatever, but you will not be able to find me.

You should know by now that I am a good hider.

Please don't be mad when I come back, it won't be long anyways. Just a year or so and I'll be back.

I just... I don't know what I want to do. I've graduated college, I've been homeschooled most of my life. I don't even know what I want to do as a career.

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