2. I Gadhadrim [The Group of Dwarves]

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Bag End was supposed to lie somewhere in i-Drann, also called The Shire by the Hobbits. I had never really liked Hobbits. I tolerated them, but I thought they were sometimes rather annoying with their big feet and sense of comfort. Ignorance for the outside world, I had always called it. No, I'd rather stay away from them.

Despite that, I was still here. As Mithrandir had said, I had always liked adventures. I didn't know how he knew that, but he did and because of that I was here.

The rune was there, on the green door, just like Mithrandir had told me. It had taken me quite a while to get there. I had heard of i-Drann, but now that I was actually there, I would call it a maze. Nothing more or less.

It was quiet inside the house. That must mean that there weren't any cedhaid yet. I must be the first one.

There was someone inside, though. I could see light shining through the curtains even though it was dark outside. Mithrandir had told me the resident's name was Bilbo Baggins, a Hobbit of course.

I raised my hand and knocked on the door twice, stooping to reach it. A few seconds passed before the door opened slowly.

The Hobbit was small indeed, like the other Hobbits. Dressed in a night robe, he had brown, curly hair and brown eyes which were staring at me curiously, if not confusedly.

"Mae l'ovannen, Hîr Baggins," I said politely, giving him a small bow. I didn't wait for an answer and stepped inside.

"Excuse me?" Hîr Baggins said, fastening his night robe. "What did you just say?" I decided to ignore that question.

"Are there any others yet?" I asked, searching the long hallway for any cedhaid. I wanted to mentally prepare myself.

"What others?" Hîr Baggins asked, looking even more confused as he closed the door. I stopped and turned around to look at him.

"The cedhaid, of course."

"The what?"

"The cedhaid," I said, slower this time. "Dwarves," I added when he kept staring at me confusedly.

"What — What would Dwarves be doing here?" He asked, laughing nervously.

"­So they're not here yet? Good," I said as I grabbed my bow and quiver which had been hung over my shoulder. The Hobbit's eyes widened when he saw them.

"Put this somewhere safe," I told him, handing over my bow and quiver. "I would like to hold on to this one." I tapped on the ruby pommel of my sword and Hîr Baggins' eyes widened even more, if they could.

"If I may ask — who are you?" He asked, putting away my bow and quiver carefully.

"Excuse my manners, my name is Ithilwen," I said, bowing a second time. I looked around and walked into the first room I could see, stooping to avoid hitting my head to the ceiling.

It was probably the dining room. There was a large table and a stove attached to the wall. I didn't feel comfortable sitting at such a large table, so I sat down on the small chair in the corner instead, keeping my hand on the sword hilt, just in case.

"What are you doing here?" Hîr Baggins asked, following me inside the room.

"Mithrandir sent me," I answered simply.

"I have no idea who that is," the Hobbit muttered quietly. Before he could ask anything else, the doorbell rang. I grasped the hilt of my sword tighter, knowing it must be the cedhaid. I didn't feel like greeting them, so I stayed here while Hîr Baggins walked away to open the door, his eyebrows almost disappearing into his curls.

The Choice [I Gilas] {A Hobbit Fanfiction} (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now