4. I Theryg [The Trolls]

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Bilbo and I stopped in front of the entrance to his home.

"You go ahead, I'll follow soon," I told Bilbo. He opened his mouth to protest, but then changed his mind and nodded before opening the door and stepping inside.

I leaned with my back against the short wall connected to the door. How could I face the cedhaid again? I had made a fool of myself and threatened one of them. Their respect for me would be even lower than before... if it could...

"It appears we have lost our burglar," I suddenly heard someone saying from inside. I recognised Balin's voice. He was standing close to the door.

"Probably for the best," Balin continued to whoever he was talking to. "The odds were always against us." He sounded sad, bitter even. "After all, what are we? Merchants... miners... tinkers, toy-makers... Hardly the stuff of legends," he chuckled a little, but it didn't sound like he was enjoying himself at all.

"There are a few warriors amongst us," I heard Thorin's deep voice say. So Balin was talking to him.

"Old warriors," Balin said and I guessed he was talking about himself.

"I would take each and every one of these Dwarves over an army from the Iron Hills. For when I called upon them, they answered," Thorin said and he sounded like he really meant it. His voice was soft and caring. I had never heard a king speak like that before. To a king, his men were only pawns in the game of war. He didn't care if they'd live or not. Thorin was different, somehow. His men were loyal to him, and not because he was their king, but because they trusted him and because he would risk his life for them, for he knew they would risk theirs too...

"Loyalty, honour, a willing heart..." Thorin continued. "I can ask no more than that."

"You don't have to do this," Balin said. "You have a choice. You've done honourably by our people. You have built a new life for us in the Blue Mountains. A life of peace and plenty. A life that is worth more than all the gold in Erebor."

"From my grandfather to my father, this has come to me," Thorin said and I could imagine he was showing the key Mithrandir had given him to Balin. "They dreamt of the day when the Dwarves of Erebor would reclaim their homeland. There is no choice, Balin... Not for me." It was silent for a moment.

"Then we are with you, laddie," Balin said. "We will see it done." I could hear him giving Thorin a pat on the shoulder. I heard footsteps and knew they had moved away from the door. This was my chance to enter, but this time with a different plan in my mind than when I had left.

The cedhaid were nowhere to be seen, so I entered the parlour to find my sword. I ran into Fíli however, who was holding the exact weapon I was looking for in his hands. He seemed a little shocked to see me, but smiled anyway. I knew that deep under that smile his muscles were tensed, ready to flee... or fight.

"My lady," Fíli said, just managing a small bow with the giant sword in his hands. He almost lost his balance and he had to use both of his hands to prevent himself from dropping the sword.

"I was just looking for you. I wanted to give you this and apologise for being nosy," he said, handing the sword to me. He sounded really honest about that.

"No, it's quite alright," I said. "It should be me who's apologising. I had no reason to snap at you like that."

"We'll call it even," he said, smiling. I smiled back, a true smile this time.

"You know, for a Dwarf you're not that bad," I said.

"And you're not that bad for an edhel," he shot back. I chuckled, even though he pronounced the word completely wrong. "I take it you're not coming with us?" Fíli asked. My smiled faded and I looked past Fíli, glancing into the room on the opposite. I could just see Thorin staring into the lit fireplace, singing with a low voice while the other Dwarves joined him in his song. I smiled softly again.

The Choice [I Gilas] {A Hobbit Fanfiction} (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now