Chapter Two

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                 It has been said that time heals all wounds. I don't agree. The wounds remain. Time - the mind, protecting its sanity - covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it is never gone.
   ~~~Rose Kennedy

I woke up to an atrocious headache and a stinging pain in my cheek. I groaned and tried to sit up.

"No, no, my lady, do not sit up. You need to rest!" A young boy exclaimed. He looked about fourteen or fifteen years of age and wore a 'healer in training' uniform. So, they put a kid in charge of me?

"Before you get any ideas, miss, I am not the main one in charge of you." Too late. "I'm here while Corym converses with the king about your well fare. I'm Larrel, by the way."

"I'm Andrea, but I suppose you already know who I am." I smiled kindly at the boy. Well, more like tried to. I discovered that my mouth burned like fire when I tried to even talk.

"Don't move your mouth, my lady. You have a pretty deep and horrid gash right there. You need to give it time to heal." Larrel warned me. For a small kid, he sure has a stern voice.

How did I get hurt though? I don't remember anything. I want to know what happened, but how will I? I need answers, and soon.

Larrel seemed to notice my wondering state and brought me a mirror. "Before I give this to you, I want you to know that you are very beautiful in every way. It doesn't matter at all what other people think, or what happened." I nodded vigorously. Agreeing to his terms that I honestly wasn't even paying attention to. I wanted to see what the big deal what about.

He handed me the mirror. I held it up to my face and looked in it. There was a delayed gasp. Was that me? I suddenly do not recognize myself. Any part of me. I look horrid. I am not a beautiful, courageous elith any more. I'm a horrid Orc-like creature. Once Thranduil sees me, if he has not already, he will throw me out to the dogs.

I ran my fingers gently around the wounds. There were three large cuts on my cheek. One running from the corner of my eye to just below the side of my nose. The second cut running from the hair line down to the corner of my mouth. And the third, just below the second and only half as big. The whole side of my face was full of bruises and blood. My lips were bruised and cut. I am a horrid...thing.

There was a slight knock and the door opened, "we are back now, Larrel. You can go take a break." A man that looked much older than me  addressed the boy. Larrel nodded and quickly left.

The older man then looked at me. "I am Corym, I am the healer assigned to care for you. How are you feeling?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"Oh, yes, we will have to find a way for you to communicate while you heal." He glanced at my cheek. "We should probably clean this up now. Don't you think?" I nodded my reply.

Corym pulled out a bowl and addressed someone to go fetch us some hot water. When the servant came back with a pitcher he poured it into the bowl and dunked a wash cloth into it. He rung it out and began dabbing it into my already sensitive wound.

I hissed in pain. "Oh, do not worry dear, it will only sting for a bit."

Then a bit turned into five minutes.

And five minutes to an hour.

Then an hour to a day.

When was it going to stop? I asked myself. Never, was always my answer. Never will the pain stop.

Every day I would glance into the mirror when my face wasn't covered in a bandage. Every day it would look horrible.

I was feeling cooped up. I was stuck in a small healer's room. Never being able to see the light of day. The only people I do get to see are Corym and Larrel. I mean, don't get me wrong, they are amazing people! But, I wish I could see other people every once in a while.

"Do you mind if I come in?" A voice asked on the other side of the door.

"I don't care," I grumbled, trying not to move my mouth too much.

The door opened to reveal a very wary Thranduil with his appearance dislodged. Our eyes met and he just stood there, starring.

"Can I help you, my liege?"

He cleared his throat and looked away, "no, I was just seeing if you were well enough to get back to your duties. You clearly look well enough, so I expect you back at your post within the hour. Goodbye."

Wait, what? I look well enough? I can barely talk, it hurts so much! Ugh! This is exactly what Thranduil did to my father. He let him heal for a few days then put him right back to work, just to get hurt again. It worked for Thranduil, up until one day when my father didn't wake up. Thranduil is that reason for my father's death. And my mother's.

Larrel entered in after Thranduil. "I hear that you were in need of some clothes and a good bath. I brought you clothing, a maid will be here soon to bathe you."

I waved my hand, "no, I do not need someone to bathe me. I can handle it."

"Are you sure, my lady?" Larrel asked politely.

I nodded in reassurance, "I am sure. And Larrel?"


"Call me Andrea, please. I am no higher than you are in this kingdom." I smiled as the young boy blushed and looked away.

I dragged myself out of the comforts of my bed and into the wash room. Some maids brought me pitchers of hot water, but I instantly dismissed them saying that I was fine on my own. I filled the tub up with the water and drizzled drops of soap into it. I stripped myself of my bloody clothes. I sat down in the tub and sighed. I've been needing one of these for forever.

I scrubbed all the dirt and grime off, making my body so red, I looked like a tomato. I soaked my hair and scrubbed it with soap, hoping it will help take away my snarls.

Once I was done, I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I looked in the mirror at my cheek. It was still covered in blood. I, then, grabbed a wet cloth and dabbed away at my wounds.

I cleaned myself up even more, brushed through my hair, then began to put on my clothes. I pulled on a pair of black leggings, groaning at the aching in my thighs. Next, I pulled on a green tunic that went down to the middle of my thighs. I armed myself with all of my weapons and put a darker green cloak on over everything. To finish it off, I pulled on my black leather boots.

I walked out of the wash room and holstered my sword to my side

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I walked out of the wash room and holstered my sword to my side. I think I am all set now.

I saw Larrel as I was walking out of the healing chambers. I smiled, "do not be a stranger, Larrel. Be sure to find me if you need anything!" Larrel smiled at me kindly as I left.

I walked straight towards the king's chambers, where my post as guard is. When I got there, I knocked on his door as only to not be killed by the king. He hates it when people barge in without knocking. I heard a muffled 'enter', I pushed open the doors. The king sat in his chair, reading. He took one look at me—my cheek more exactly–and smirked evilly.

I think it's time I start planning that revenge I promised him.


A/N: so I finally updated. I updated this the other day but I decided to edit it tonight. I hope I fixed a lot of mistakes I had before. If you find anything, be sure to tell me so I can fix it! I will accept CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Oh, and one more thing,
*drum roll please*


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