Chapter Four

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I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.
~~~~Robert Fulghum

I woke up with a gasp. Not realizing where I was and reliving my final moments.

My final moments...

I am not dead! I looked down at myself and saw that I was in one piece. I poked my leg, hissing in pain at my sore muscle. A sudden tickle in my throat caused me to cough. I covered my mouth with my hand as I let out a gut wrenching cough along with some blood.

I looked around and noticed I was still in the forest. How long have I been here? I thought. The old lady's body was gone, but I paid no mind, more worried about how long I have been out and how to get back.

I pulled myself up, ignoring the pain in my back and stomach, and went in the direction I assumed the kingdom was in.

I walked for what seemed like hours until I was met with the dark gleam of the gates. I looked at the guard on the left who seemed to ignore my presence. I cleared my throat, "kind sir, would you please let a little maiden into the kingdom?" I began with the nice, innocent approach before threatening.

The guard rolled his eyes and said monotonously, "I am sorry but I cannot. King's orders, you must understand."

I grit my teeth, so much for the kind approach. "If you don't let me in," I spat, "then your precious king will be without a guard to protect his sorry ass," he flinched, "so, I suggest you let me in or you will have some problems as I am a higher ranking guard than a gatesmen, as such as you, measly little elf."

"I-I...I apologize m'lady, I had no idea who you were," he cowered. I rolled my eyes at how easy that was. I must inform the king to get different guards at the gates, I made a mental note of it.

He opened the gates and I strode in as if nothing was of the matter. Citizens looked at me, some whispered to each other and pointed. I walked past a group of girls and vaguely heard them say, "that is disgusting for a woman to be covered in blood and dirt when she could be raising a family and keeping company to a husband," the other girls giggled. I snarled and they shut up at once.

I happened to walk past a group of men, some dog whistled while others made faces of disgust.

I ignored it and limped straight up to the castle and into the throne room where I met Thranduil, his back turned to me.

"What do you want?" He spoke, venom lacing his voice.

"Oh, just to serve my kind King whom I love so dearly," I retaliated in faux admiration.

The blond elf whipped around to glare at me, "where on Middle Earth have you been? We have been searching day and night for you! I was just about to bring someone else up from the guard to keep watch over me and declare you dead."

I didn't answer, just looked at him with stone cold eyes. He walked closer to me, taking in all my injuries. "What happened?" He spoke in a softer voice now, it almost sounded as if he cared. Yeah, right.

"How long was I gone?" I managed to choke out. I was beginning to get emotional, although I have no clue why.

"Five days."

I was gone for five days? I was out there in the forest for five days? Bleeding. Hurt. I was only a few miles away from the gates, how had they not found me? How had no one heard my attempts at screaming? But the question that worried me most, if I had died, which I am most certain I had, how am I standing here right now?

It felt like I could not get any air into my lungs. My chest burned and my vision blurred and went black at the edges. I felt a pounding on my knees, I probably fell but I cannot be sure. Thranduil spoke, but I heard not what he was saying. It felt like the whole world was crashing in on me.

The buring in my lungs migrated to my arms, my stomach, my legs. It travelled everywhere until my whole body was on fire. I screamed as I writhed in pain. What monstrosity is this?

I fell face foreword, straight onto my cheek. I screamed out.

"Make it stop!" I cried.

Thranduil pulled me into his arms, his eyes looked scared and helpless. I wanted to say something. I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came was a gurgle and a large fit of coughing. I opened my eyes once more, not noticing I had even closed them. I saw blood from my coughing all over Thranduil's tunic. Blood spilled out of my mouth as I lost consciousness.


I heard talking at the foot of my bed as I woke up.

"My king," one said, "she is in very bad condition."

"How bad?" I heard Thranduil's voice croak.

"The was a large gash in her back and stomach. She also seems to be experiencing the feeling as if her throats was slit, although there are no signs of it. Something happened to her out there, something I cannot explain."

"Do you mind elaborating on that last statement please," Thranduil spoke impatiently, all care in his voice gone and replaced with his usual demeanor.

"There is this mark on her shoulder, I cannot explain it. I believe it is something superstitious, though. I suggest you call Elrond to come and aid her. Once she is finished healing and healthy of course. She needs plenty of bed rest for now."

"Thank you, Dayorn, you may go now." Thranduil spoke flatly.

I heard faint shuffling and a door close. The side of my bed dipped and I felt a large hand take hold my my small but calloused one. A thumb stroked the top of it soothingly.

"I am so sorry, Little Doe," Thranduil whispered before kissing my forehead kindly.

"Lóre ehtelë, titta doe."

<kinda edited but not really>

So this is kind of a filler chapter, I didn't want what I've planned to happen too fast, ya know? Ummm...hmmm..I just have a couple quick things to say:
1.) I'm not totally sure that last sentence was the correct translation in elvish. It's supposed to be, "sleep well, Little Doe," but I'm not 100% sure it's the right translation. I used an elvish translator website but there were two different options for elvish speak and I chose that one because I couldn't remember which one the Mirkwood elves spoke lol but if you know the correct translation please let me know in the comments, thank you
2.) A special shout out to me friend, haylie-jones she requested more on the last chapter so I gave her a little present lol love you bud!

And of course...

Don't forget to...


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