Chapter Six

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Trust gets you killed, love gets you hurt, and being real gets you hated. ~~~ Anonymous

It has been a week since I have heard the voice. Even thinking about it sends shivers down my spine.

The voice said to kill the king. How can I kill him? I mean, I hate him...but do I hate him enough to kill him?

I sighed and got up from my comfortable bed. Rubbing my eyes I got ready for the day and left to go do my duties.

Today Thranduil was going to have a lot of meetings. I am not really sure why, but I heard that there were Orcs patrolling a little too close to our borders.

I arrived in front of Thranduil's chambers and knocked.

No answer.

I knocked again and got the same thing. Hmmm.... I silently creaked the door open to find the room dark and quiet.

Well, quiet for the most part. My sharp ears were immediately hit with the soft moaning...of a woman. What?!

Against my better judgement I opened the door a little wider. My eyes burned with the sight before me.

There, on the king's bed, were two women and a shirtless Thranduil.

I gasped. They all looked at me, Thranduil seemed the most angry.

"What do you think you are doing, servant?" He spat out.

Flustered, I fought for words, "I-I....I am so sorry m'lord. I did not know you with other things. I will go now.." I left the room as quickly as possible.

"Auta miquila orqu." I heard one of the women whisper as I left.

What even was that? I just saw my bed..with sluts. Sluts! There was a pang in my heart as I remembered the sight.

I sighed and continued walking. There was no need to wait for such a disgusting man.

I arrived in the War Room. All eyes turned to me.

"Where is the king?" One man with red hair asked.

"He was busy, however, he will be here shortly." I spoke in a monotone voice.

I took my place in the corner to guard the men and the king as they talked about Valhalla knows what.

After fifteen minutes of the men just sitting there, the doors finally slammed open to greet the irritated face of King Thranduil. His stoney orbs met my harsh glare. He looked away.

As they talked, I looked around the room at all the men. All of them were participating in the conversation or appeared to be listening intently. All but one. There was an elf, very handsome might I add. He had long raven black hair and icy blue eyes. Those icy blue eyes staring straight into my brown ones. He was leaning on his arm and seemed to be the most laid back of all the other elven men.

His friend nudged him but his gaze never flicked away from mine. It seemed as if he were just as entranced as I. His lips slightly pulled up into a small but concealed smile. A smile meant just for me. I felt butterflies in my stomach and slowly grinned back.


The first meeting was finally over and the men were leaving to gather in the dining hall for luncheon. Thranduil and the mystery man stayed behind.

The blond elf glared at the raven haired one, "leave, Kandon." He spat out with venom.


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