Chapter Five

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Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good thing, even in the wizarding world.
~~~~~ J.K. Rowling

I awoke a few days later, feeling utterly confused but strangely refreshed. I looked around to find myself in the infirmary. Again. I groaned.

"Now, now. Andrea, there is no need to make such a horrid sound." A snobby voice scoffed.


"Well, my king, I apologize for expressing my opinions of being inside of the infirmary. Again." I stated, looking into the blond asshole's eyes.

He avoided my gaze and looked towards the floor, "do you remember anything from the other night? Anything that might suggest who did this to you?"

I thought back to a few nights ago. I remember getting angry with the king and storming out of the castle grounds for some time to cool off. Everything after that is a blur. It's just...blank.

I shook my head, "no, I do not remember anything..."

The elf sighed, "alright. Well, you are heeled now. I expect you to be training with my son in twenty minutes. You need to become stronger, you are very weak and your muscles have deteriorated from your time out of the field."

What?! I literally just woke up! Nadorhuan.

He left and I got up, wincing a bit when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked around the room and saw a washroom. I looked down at myself.

Yeah, I should probably wash up. I look like an old hag.

So, with that thought, I sucked it up and got up off my lazy tush and went to clean my ugly self up.

After a lot of scrubbing - and I mean a lot - I finally was able to head to the training grounds to meet the prince.

The prince. I haven't seen him since he was young. You see, he and I are only a few years apart. I a little older than him. We got together some, but not much. I was the daughter of servants after all, a prince shouldn't be seen with the likes of me.

I really hate to admit it, but I was kind of excited to see him again. I wondered if he remembered me.

I soon got to the training grounds. Immediately I spotted the prince.

"Hello, Lady Andrea." The prince said in a kind tone.

"Hello, Prince Legolas." I said in an equally kind tone.

We looked each other in the eye, trying to be as serious as possible.

Until Legolas's lip perked up and I burst out laughing.

"I can't believe you remember me! We used to do that all the time when we were children!" I snorted.

"Oh, you would be surprised at what I remember!"

We laughed for a good ten minutes until finally I said, "maybe it is time for us to begin training, is it not?"

Legolas nodded, "I agree. Otherwise Father will have both our heads."

With that, we began to practice with swords.




That was what I was concentrating on for the last two hours until Legolas called break.

I sat down by a tree and sighed. Gosh, I reek.

I opened a book and began to read.

"What are you reading?" A voice interrupted me rudely.

"A book." I snapped.

"Now, is that a way to speak to your king."

I sighed, "no...I suppose not. But what do you expect me to do when you interrupt me while I am reading?"

A laugh escaped his lips. I looked up at Thranduil, shocked. 

He laughed.

He laughed a genuine laugh.

It was not the fake, horrid sound he makes when he is angry.

It was real.

And it felt good to hear him laugh. It made my heart jump for joy and butterflies fly in my stomach.

The king sat down next to me and looked over my shoulder at what I was reading.

"You are in my bubble, my king."

"Andrea, you can call me Thranduil you know."

I glanced warily at him, "r-really?" I stuttered.

Holy Trees. I never stutter!

"Yes," Thranduil smiled, "you may call me Thranduil."

"Alright, Thranduil." I repeated, testing the name on my lips.

His named flowed out as if it were meant for me. As if it was meant for me to speak it. If that makes any sense...

"Now, my child, do not go getting chummy with the king. We have other work to do." A snake-like voice said in the back of my head.

Wait what? Am I hearing voices or something?

"No, my dear. I am far from a 'voice'. I am your protector. But in order to protect you, you have to do things for me."

Like what?

"Like...kill the king..."


So this was a really short chapter and I'm really sorry for it. I wanted this to be so much better but I'm so tired right now..I apologize.

*slightly edited*

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