Chapter Three

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" My silence is not a sign that I gave's only the beginning of my revenge." ~ Unknown

I bit back the discourteous retort I wanted to make so bad. "What would you like me to do for you, my King," I said dryly. No need to sound excited for this.

"Just stand in the corner, servant," Thranduil gestured towards the corner of his chambers, "and be sure to be quiet. If I even hear one peep out of you, I will make sure that that scar is not the only mark you will have."

I grit my teeth back and forth. That ill-mannered, arrogant, domineering, intolerant, patronizing old man. Of course, he didn't look old. But he is well up there. know, I actually don't know how old the man is. I have not really bothered in figuring it out.

I stood in the corner like a good little servant. (Note the sarcasm). I stood there. And stood there. And stood there. And finally I got impatient.

"Sir, is there really a reason for me to be here?" I tried to say politely.

Thranduil turned around, a deadly glare in his eyes, "what did I say about making noise?" He spat out harshly.

I just stared at him, making him more infuriated. "You will answer me when I address you, servant!"

I glared at him, deeming it too much work to try to repress it, "my king, I am deeply sorry if I offended you. How could I repay this great regret of mine?" I said trying to put as much sarcasm into the words as I could.

Thranduil rolled his eyes at me, "get out of my sight, you disgusting hag."

And I did just that. I turned swiftly around and swaggered out. How could someone so good looking be so horrid? Wait, what? No! I did not just think of him in that way! He is my king! Well, not really. I hate his horrible guts all the way to the bone.

'Oh, but you did think that, my dear.' A voice in the back of my head said. I scowled. Of course, leave it to my inner me to be a sass. Not that I am not already sassy.

I trekked out of the castle and to the woods, wanting to blow off some steam. I got to the gates and rolled my eyes when I caught a guard starring at my butt. Pig.


The bark snapped as my fist collided with it harshly. I pulled away and sent my other fist flying towards the innocent tree and a harsh kick after that. I felt a warm, gooey sensation trickle down my knuckles and in between my fingers but I paid it no mind. I continued my attempt on killing the poor tree that seemed to upset me so until I heard a twig snap behind me.

I jumped and whipped around to face the uninvited guest. My eyes immediately met the elderly eyes of an older woman, definitely not an elf.

"Who are you?" I spoke, my voice sounding harsher than I first planned it to be.

The old woman smiled kindly at me, "now, now, no need to be so rude towards a little old lady like me." There was something about her smile and voice that irked me, but I could not tell what it was exactly. All I knew is that this woman was bad news.

"What can I help you with?" I spoke flatly.

The woman walked up to me until he face was only a few inches away. She smelled horrid, almost like a rotting orc mixed with dragon dung. I resisted the urge to gag at her stench. Her dark orbs - almost black - looked at if they were dead with a hint of sinister. She grabbed my chin with her grimy hand, her dirty nails digging into my wounded cheek, and looked straight into my eyes.

"Ego Autem accipere vestra mens, et tum vestra corpus. Ego autem manent tacet autem ego autem imperium si oportet contristari in variis. Nunc, adhuc stare dum ego occidere vos." The woman slithered out.

I felt entranced by her words, whatever they were. I could not understand what she was saying, and yet it seemed my body did. I could not take my eyes away from her eyes, I could not move a single limb. It even felt as if I could not breath, and I could not even be sure I was. I began to panic, why can't I move my arms? Why can't I back away? What is going on? I panicked and yet, I also felt overwhelmingly calm. What is wrong with me?

My eyes widened, or at least they had in my mind, when the woman took a long dagger out from under her cloak. "Now, deary, let's hope you will do me proud." The woman smirked.

I wanted to move, to fight back, to scream for help but nothing happened. I couldn't move, I couldn't even move my eyes. I couldn't do anything but just stare at this psychotic woman as she drove the dagger through my stomach, and then through my chest. A malicious smile on her blood splattered face.

"Facinus patratur," she spoke in the snake-like tongue of her's. She grinned madly. All I could do was watch as she brought the bloodied dagger up to my neck. I vaguely felt a tear slide down my cheek as she slit my throat.

The pain hit me hard and I could finally scream. I opened my mouth to let out a loud scream but all that was heard was a gargle as I fell and blood spilled out of my mouth.

The woman laughed menacingly and slit her own neck. As she came down to her knees she brought the dagger straight down into my back. Tears slid down my face as the pain overwhelmed me.

This is it. This is how I am going to die. An old woman killing me. Although, I'm not completely sure I can call her a woman.

I am going to die, right here, and I will not be missed. My parents are gone, my friends are gone.

But my last dying breath, my last dying thought, was not of those I have lost, but of that who I despised. Thranduil.



So, I haven't updated in like forever. I hope I can get into a routine and I will definitely try to. I'm thinking of trying to update every Saterday? How does that sound? Oh, the picture of the girl up on top, (I know she's an actress I just can't think of her name right now), I'm thinking she'll play Andrea. Obviously you'll have to just imagine a scar on her face. But tell me what you think!
But anyway, how was this chapter? I think it was pretty good. I'm kinda proud of it to be honest. Well, I'll stop wasting your time in this author's note lol



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