Chapter 1: Father & Daughter Dance

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The ending is nearer than you think, and it's already written. All that we have left to choose is the correct moment to begin.

Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Father & Daughter Dance

That's where her obsession started. It was the night of the Father and Daughter Dance and Mr.Walker had offered to take the ginger head girl since their families were so close and he knew of their situation.

Teigan Michaels had grown up  without a father, her mother was a fashion designer and barely around at times so Mr.Walker was like a father to her and it worked well due to the fact that he had daughter the same age as her and their the best of friends.

So as the music played and Teigan sipped her punch she looked up as Jasmine made her way over to the table.

"My feet hurt your turn"Jasmine said plopping down on the chair. Teigan nodded in made her way over to Mr.Walker.

"I'm starting to think she doesn't like these things anymore"Reed said. Teigan smiled in began dancing.

"Either that or-"

"I'm getting old Teigan"Reed said cutting her off. Teigan laughed in shook her head.

"You said it"Teigan said.When the song finished the dean of the school came on stage.

"Father's and Daughters thank you for coming out tonight we have one more song before we end the dance and again thank you for coming"The dean said walking off the stage as the music started to play.

"Thank your mother again for the dress Teigan"Reed said. Teigan nodded her head getting lost in the music she came out of her trance when she heard an "Ow".

"I'm so sorry Mr.Walker"Teigan said in a panic tone. Mr.Walker shook his head.

"It's okay Teigan"He continued"I'll live".He laughed in looked back to the ginger head girl who was muttering apologies.

"Not joking this is so embarrassing"Teigan said then went on to mumble other incoherent phrases.

"Teigan"Reed said making her look at him"really I'm fine and plus what's a dance without a few accidents".

"Are you sure"Teigan said.

"Positive"Reed said.

The drive home was longer than usual
Jasmine had passed out the minute they got in the car so as Teigan sat in the front seat flipping through the radio stations she got upset when she couldn't find anything and just shut it off.

"Thank you"Teigan said. Reed looked over to her through the corner of his eye.

"Huh"Reed said confused. Teigan sighed and shifted in the seat.

"For taking me to the dance"Teigan said. Reed nodded his head and slowed down as they came to a red light.

"It wasn't a problem plus I'm glad to be in your life Teigan"Reed said. Teigan smiled and nodded her head. Reed pressed on the gas as the light turned green.

"I'm glad for you to be in my life too"Teigan muttered and closed her eyes.


I was going to write so much more, but I decided as the first chapter I should ease you into the story. I wanted to show you how their relationship started and how it leads to "other things".

I hope you really enjoy this story. I'm also letting you know that this story isn't just about sex. It's about much more. The character development is thought out and I'm hoping you can relate to these characters.

Also Teigan name is pronounced.
Tay-gun. I hope that helps.

Also check out more of my books on my profile. ( Self promo)

This book will also be a three book series dropping the names below.



And depending on the comments for the book title above, that's the book I will post first. I want to finish the entire series in December.

March 2017.

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