Sorry & Sorry Not Sorry

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Author's Rambling;
I was speaking with one of my very close friends and we started saying how the entire summer we watched YouTube videos and I brought up that a video that said the world is ending on September 23, 2017.
Of course it turned into a laughing matter because then I said if the world ends before I graduate high school I'm going to be pissed ( it's our last year ) then she said same because we would've just wasted 3 years of school for no reason.
The End.

Enjoy this Chapter last one before the Epilogue.

Sorry & Not Sorry

I walked into Jazz room to see her alone and eating something she said she'd never eat hospital food.

"Hey"I said.

"You're back can we talk"She said. I nodded my head sitting on the end of her bed.

"What's on your mind"I said. She took a deep breath and pushed away the food on the cart.

"Teigan we've been friends before we could talk and I want you to be the godmother of Riley and Jared"She said I widened my eyes and smiled.

"I would be honored to, but they can call me Aunt I wouldn't want them walking around calling me mom since they have one"I said.

"And I'm sorry"She said.

"What"I said.

"The things I said to you on the plane that day was rude that was your mother and you were worried about her just like I was and my father explained everything and I understood why he did what he did my mother was cheating on him and you were there"She said. I got off the bed and started walking around.

"You're right"I said. Jazz smiled and laid down closing her eyes.

She was right I was only a rebound for Reed what we had- shared it was nothing to him and I was going to make sure it he knew that. I left Jasmine's room and walked around looking for Reed and found the bodyguard he hired.

"Where's Reed"I said.

"Mr.Walker is watching over Riley"He said.

"Take me to him"I said he looked at me questioningly and started to walk towards Reed was.


When we reached Reed he was looking at a glass and I sighed, I had to do it, I couldn't stick around. I walked over to him and saw Riley laying in an incubator.

"Their beautiful"He said. I looked up at him and back at baby Riley to notice the baby laying next to her was her brother Jared.

"He's pale and a little blue"I said.

"He's dying"Reed said. I couldn't do this not now not to him because I- no . I looked back at the two infants and a tear escaped from my eye.

"Where's the doctor"I said. Reed shrugged his shoulders and I walked away from him and grabbed the nearest doctors.

"Ma'am what are you doing"He said as I dragged him inside the room where Riley and Jared laid in their incubators.

"Put them together"I said.

"What"He said.

"I said put them in the same incubator or you're going to wish you never became a doctor"I said and he nodded his head placing baby Riley with Jared. She made a little noise and cuddle against Jared I watched over them and watched as Jared pale skin color had began to get a little color. I looked up at Reed to see him dumbfounded.

"How did you know that would work"The doctor said.

"I didn't, but I knew he needed her"I said and walked out.

"Teigan"Reed called, but I ignored him and got in the elevator going to my mother's room.


I entered the room to see both my parents laughing.

"I have to go"I said and they stopped and looked up at me.

"What your mother-"My mother rested a hand on my father's hand and he looked at her.

"I understand the doctor said he wants to watch me I'll keep you up to date"My mother said. I nodded my head and walked over giving her a hug and kiss and the same with my father.

"You weren't here, but you are now and I thank you for that"I said to my father and he let me go from the hug.

"I love you"I said to them both.

"We love you,too"They said in unison.

And I walked out the hospital. I needed a break the past year has been about babies, missing a parent, school, Reed, and I just needed to be selfish and find my own path.

My graduation ceremony was in a week I would return home for that and look at the several colleges I applied to and pick one farthest from California because I won't be sorry that I left this time.


Well that's done I'm not even sure how to feel. After the Epilogue this book is done. Seven months of my 2017 has been dedicated to writing this.

I hope everyone enjoyed there Summer Break because back to school for everyone.

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