Chpater 3: Parties & Paris

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Parties & Paris

"My parents are going to kill me"He shouted while I went through my locker looking for my Pre-Calculus textbook.

"At least they'll be doing me a favor"I mumbled. Ryan shook his head and started pacing back and forth.

"You know what I'll just cancel the party"He said.

"Yeah do that I mean it's not like anyone is going to talk about it"I said. He looked over at me and sighed.

"I hate you"He said and walked away.

"I'm loved by everyone Ryan you being the one person in this entire world who doesn't is not going to hurt my feelings"I said. I made my way to the parking lot because I basically missed my seventh hour thanks to Ryan holding me up and my missing textbook, but on my way out I saw Mr.Walker.

"Teigan"He said.

"Uh hi"I said waving. He looked around the school and then back at me.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class"Mr.Walker said.

"Um I-I"I started to say, but gave up.

"Skipping school I'm honestly not shocked"Mr.Walker said.

"Not really skipping if I'm with an adult is it"I said holding on to his arm.

"Teigan"Mr.Walker said. I smiled and had a devilish thought.

"Reed"I said. I felt his arm tense and I knew I hit a soft spot.

"Go back inside"He said turning around and leaving.

I walked back inside to see the lady in the front office on her phone not even noticing that I had left let alone returned.

Teigan -1
Reed- 0


When school eventually ended which didn't take long I waited for Jazz so we could leave.

"Hey girly my dad was supposed to come early, but I guess he couldn't leave work"Jazz said walking up to me.

"I guess not"I said as my phone started ringing I reached into my pocket to see my mother calling.

"Teigan"My mother said.

"Mother"I said.

"The Paris fashion show is in two days make sure you girls are all packed ta ta"My mother said hanging up.

"Who was that"Jazz said as reached the car.

"My mother we're touching down in Paris in two days"I said. Jazz started the car and instead of going straight to her house we stopped at the mall.

"Ms.Walker, Ms.Michaels nice to have you back"The lady said as we entered the store. Here's the thing when you have money these people make it their mission to make sure they remember you.

"Glenda sweetie how's the kids"I said. And I make it my mission to treat them like they matter. As Glenda talked about her life Jazz went off and did her thing.

"Jazz find anything"I asked.

"Yeah I like these two and I love this bag and suitcase"Jazz said coming around the corner with two outfits and a carry-on and suitcase set.

"Are you girls going on a trip"Glenda asked. I nodded and she rung up the items and as we paid for them Glenda told us to come back soon. But what she didn't know was that Jazz had filled the suitcases and carry-on with enough clothes to last us a lifetime.

When we entered the mansion built for twenty plus, but only three resided Mr.Walker stood in front of the staircase.


"Jasmine forgot to tell me something"He said gesturing to the things we bought.

"My mother called Paris in-

"Two days yes I know that's why I was at the school"Mr.Walker said.

"What? When were you at the school"Jazz asked. Mr.Walker looked over at me then back at Jazz.

"Nothing"Mr. Walker said, walking away.

"Well that wasn't weird at all"Jazz said looking at me.

"Don't break that"I heard walking into Ryan's house, then glass breaking and someone cursing.

"He's definitely going to be in trouble for this one"Jazz said, reaching into her bag for the spray paint cans and started to pass them out to the boys who to stood in front of us.

"Hey guys how about we play a little game I'll let you make out with me for five minutes if-"Jazz whispered in my ear and I looked as everyone stood there waiting for what I was about to say.

"If you break into Ryan's parents' room and spray paint this on the wall"I said and I saw half of the boys take off upstairs.

Jazz and I started laughed and began dancing as one of our favorite songs came on.

"Climb on board"I sang along with the music.


It was 2am when we arrived back at the house and I was craving ice cream so as Jazz went upstairs to sleep I raided the kitchen.

"You didn't tell her"I heard which made me jump I turned to see Mr. Walker.

"No, I didn't and you scared the sh- stuff out of me"I said and jumped on the counter and began eating the Cookies and Creme ice cream.

"Teigan"Mr. Walker said, walking over to me.

"Yes"I said continuing to eat the whole Che cream not noticing how close he was to me.

"What are you doing to me, "Mr. Walker said now as he told between my legs.

"You feel it too"I said, reaching my hand up touching his face feeling the stubble under my hand I smiled and looked up to him.

"Reed-"I was cut off by his lips crashing into my mine he grabbed the ice cream putting it to the side as he began kissing on my neck. He suddenly stopped when I was moaning and walked away.

He's going to pay for that.


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