Deals & Dinner & Sexual Innuendos & Sexual Experience

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Deals & Dinner & Sexual Innuendos & Sexual Experience

"What do you mean you almost kissed him"Jazz yelled at me. I threw a pillow at her and clutched my head.

"Jasmine if I have to tell you one more time that my head hurts I'm going to strangle you"I said. She laughed it off and we went back to watching the movie.

"Sorry, but tell me what happened"Jazz said.

"Okay so basically Allen was like you only live once then we started dancing which turned to grinding and he leaned in to kiss me"I said.

"Wait Allen is attractive exactly why didn't you kiss him"Jazz said.

"Because I'm not into him"I said and Jazz laughed.

"Yeah right the only thing that would stop you from a one night stand is you finding someone else"Jazz said. I looked down at my hands then looked over at my phone.

"No way what the hell Teigan who is it"Jazz yelled. I glared at her and reached my hands around her neck, but me not noticing how close she was to the end of the bed we fell on the floor.

"Jazz"I said.

"I don't care about your damn headache who is it and why haven't you told me is it because he's not in highschool because that's never stopped you before"Jazz said. I got up off the floor in started walking around her room.

"No"I said.

"So no he is in highschool or no he's not in highschool"Jazz said.

"He's not in highschool"I said.

"Okay so how old is he"Jazz said, but before I could answer her Reed opened the door.

"Girls there's a Ryan Pieter at the door"Reed said. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and told Jazz let's go see what he wants.

"She can't find out"Reed said letting me go. I walked down the stairs and Ryan was standing at the door with a smirk on his face.

"Ryan"I said.

"My favorite girls"Ryan said.

"What do you want"Jazz said.

"I may or may not have told a few friends that I'm very good friends with you both and also slipped in that you're coming to my private party Saturday night"Ryan said.

"Okay so what's in it for us"I said.

"There's alcohol"Ryan said.

"Get me a room at your father's hotel and we'll show up"I said.

"Deal and it's for two days bye"Ryan said and left.

"I knew there was a catch"Jazz said.


When we got back to school I wasn't expecting people to act any different. I mean the kids that went here weren't exactly new to the lifestyle.

So as I walked in my second period I heard the whistles of several boys.

"Ms.Michaels welcome back"Mr.Edlund said.

"I'm glad to be home"I said.

The day went on like any normal day would at school until I got called to the front office.

"R-Mr.Walker"I said.

"Your mother had an incident we have to go"Reed said. I nodded and we walked out the building as we got in the car I put on my seatbelt and he started pulling out the school parking lot.

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