Homebound & Hell

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Homebound & Hell

Our arrival home had made the news. Since my appearance at Fashion Show had spread like a wild fire Jazz and I were stuck at the airport because of either the several paparazzi outside or the people trying to find out what or in my case who was the paparazzi waiting on.

"I told you let's come back early, but no you didn't want to listen"Jazz said for the umpteenth time while pacing.

"Jazz I get it I was wrong you were right"I said I looked outside to see the crowd only get larger.

"Where's my dad"Jazz said going to sit down. I looked down at my phone to see three missed calls and several text.

"Girls welcome back"I looked up to see Reed enter the room and several men in black behind him keeping the crowd back.

"Thank God I'm ready to go home"Jazz said getting up and walking out.

"Teigan"Reed said. I refused to look at him and followed Jazz out the door.

"Teigan look over here"I heard along with the shouts of many other people saying  something along the lines I put on my shades and made my way through the crowd.

When we finally made it to the car I got in and Reed got in behind me.

"Where to sir"The driver said.

"The house"Reed said. The drive nodded in started driving when one of the bodyguards got in.

The drive from the airport to Reed's wasn't long, but with all the traffic it felt like forever when we arrived Jazz jumped out the car before they could open the doors and I laughed.

I made my way up the steps and into the house when Reed grabbed me by my arm dragging me off somewhere.

"Let me go"I said trying to grab my arm back which resulted in him holding me tighter.

"Reed I swear to-"

"Teigan shut up"Reed said cutting me off. When he finally let me go I took notice that we were in his study.

"What do you want"I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"You think that after the little stunt you pulled in Paris that I wasn't going to say anything and don't get me started on you ignoring me at the airport"Reed said.

"Sounds like your feelings are hurt you need a counselor not me"I said starting to walk off when he pushed me against the bookshelf.

"Teigan"He said putting he face in my neck giving me kisses.

"Stop"I said trying to push him off, but he held my hands and continued to kiss along my neckline.

"You're in for a punishment"Reed said. I raised my leg hitting him where the sun didn't shine and watched as he dropped to the floor.

"I'm a seventeen year old girl and you're married and you have a kid who by the way is my bestfriend so do yourself a favor the next time you think about touching me"I said and walked out heading to Jazz room.

I shouldn't have did that, but I had to.


The next morning I woke up alone in Jazz bed. I groaned getting up I went downstairs.

"Morning"I said entering the kitchen.

"Morning"Jazz said going back to eat her breakfast. I looked over at Reed to see him reading over something while drinking coffee.

"So Jazz anything planned for today"I said.

"No you got anything"Jazz said.

"Maybe, one of the models I met after the show said they have parties here all the time and their flying in maybe we should go"I said.

"Are you just trying to get-"Jazz was cut off by Reed and I smiled.

"It's a thought"I said. Jazz laughed and went to put her plate in the sink while I looked at Reed shift every now and then.

"Well, Daddy have a good day at work"Jazz said going the direction of the stairs.

"Yeah Daddy has a good day at work"I said I looked to see Reed staring at me like I was a drink of water and he had been in the desert for days. I smiled and followed Jazz up the stairs.


"How could you"Jazz said.

"Jazz please I'm sorry, "I said.

"You're not my best friend"Jazz said walking away.

"What did you do, "Allen said.

"I took her jello shots"I said. Allen laughed and I shook my head.

"Stop it's not funny, she's going to kill me when she actually becomes sober, "I said hitting him on the arm.

"Then live like tonight is your last"Allen said, dragging me to the dance floor. As we dance I noticed we were getting closer and closer.

"Allen we can't, "I said.

That chapter is over and honestly I might make Allen a main character.

Any thoughts on him. 

So Reed and Teigan?.

So how was it?

And here's the gift of Allen and Teigan.

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