Perfection & Pregnancy

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Another one which means if you haven't read the last chapter you need to.

Baby & Bora Bora & Birthday - was the last chapter.


Perfection & Pregnancy

"Jazz"I said opening the door. She stood on the other side and ran in grabbing the phone, but stopped when she noticed I didn't fight back.

"What's wrong Teigan"She said. I pointed towards the pregnancy test and her eyes got teary.

"Why didn't you tell me"I said. She sighed running her finger through her hair and let out a laugh walking over to the bed sitting down.

"Why didn't I tell you Teigan well for one I just found out and I didn't want you to judge me because your just perfect little Teigan Michaels doesn't do anything wrong I have sex twice and I get pregnant, but you no what's your count again fifteen"She said. I winced and noticed the girl I called my best friend wasn't here this is the girl who had kept her emotions in all along.

"Jazz you really think I don't fuck up my dad is gone and I just received a goddamn text from my mother that he's coming to California I don't even know what he looks like and you really think I'd judge you I'm hurt what kind of friend do you think I am"I said snatching my phone out her hand leaving the room and hotel going out to walk on the beach.

I looked down at my phone not bothering to text my mother back I went to my contact list and called Allen.

He picked up immediately.

"Hey"Allen said.

"Hi"I said.

"Teigan what's wrong"Allen said.

"I'm fine"I said whipping the tears that dared to escape from my eyes.

"Bullshit that's what girls say when their anything, but fine"Allen said I could tell he was upset I wasn't telling him the truth.

"Jazz and I got into a fight"I said.

"I wish I was there"Allen said.

"I wish you were here too"I said trying not to cry.

"Turn around"Allen said. I turned to see him walking down the beach and I hung up the phone running towards him.

"Allen I missed you"I said hugging  him, his arms went around me and I smiled.

"I missed you too, Tiger"Allen said. I smiled at the nickname he gave me and broke the hug.

"Why are you here"I said. 

"Jazz called me a few days ago and told me you were going to Bora Bora for your birthday we were working on a shoot and I told my team that I wanted to stay a couple more days"Allen said.  I smiled and took his hand in mine I started walking with him enjoying the breeze and the view sun which was setting.

"I'm glad you're here"I said putting my head on his shoulder.

"Good now let's have some fun"Allen said picking me and running toward the ocean.

"Allen put me down"I said. 

"Okay"Allen said dropping me in the water I was wet from my waist down. As I got out the water I looked up and glared at a laughing Allen.

"It's on"I said running towards him.


"Thank you"I said to Jazz as I entered the room. She nodded her head and looked back down at her phone. I sighed and walked away going to take a shower because there was sand in places sand shouldn't be.

When I walked back in the room my suitcase was by the closet door walk-in over I opened the closet door to see my clothes were placed on hangers. I smiled and walked towards the dresser opening it I saw my undergarments and swimsuits.

I grabbed my clothes and went to shower and the hot water was unbelievable. I showered until my hands looked pruney getting out I grabbed my towel wrapping it around my body and jump as I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in"I said.  Jazz slowly opened the door and I tried not to smile.

"Sorry"We both said in unison.

I went to hug her and she hugged me back tightly.

"So I'm going to be an aunt"I said.


And that you to AlaskaYoung_1 for this amazing Aesthetic.

And that you to AlaskaYoung_1 for this amazing Aesthetic

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter it was more of a filler. 

But don't forget to vote and comment and I can't wait til you read the next chapter.

Kisses sinners.

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