Baby & Bora Bora & Birthday

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A/N at the end of the chapter VERY important.


Baby & Bora Bora & Birthday

A few weeks later my birthday​ arrived and all I could bother Jazz about was my birthday.

"Teigan hurry up"Jazz yelled from downstairs.

"Girls the car is packed are you ready"Reed said.

"Yeah"I said finishing my makeup and walked downstairs. Reed stood at the bottom of the steps talking to Jazz, Reed looked up and stopped talking and that's when I noticed whatever he had said he didn't want me to hear.

I brushed it off and walked out getting in the Range Rover.

"Hey what was that all about"I said as Jazz got in the car slamming the door.

"Nothing"She said pulling out her headphones and listening to her music.

Jazz had kept the headphones on all the way to the airport. I wanted to text Reed and ask what the hell he did to my bestfriend, but I decide not to.

I tapped Jazz on the shoulder and she took off the headphones.

"Yeah"She said.

"We're here"I said. She looked around and nodded her head.

We waited for the driver to open the door an got out getting on the plane.

"Welcome can I get you any refreshments"The lady said as we boarded the plane.

"No thanks I think I'll just take my seat"I said. Jazz ignored her in the lady looked like a little frightened for some reason.

I sat down and Jazz went to sit on the other side. I sighed and got up and went by her taking out the headphones.

"What the hell"Jazz said.

"You're right what the hell is your problem I get you and your dad argue alot, but it's my birthday and it's not going to be ruined because your fucking father can't keep his mouth shut"I said.

"I'm sorry Teigan"Jazz said. I gave her back her headphones and went back to my seat.

I waited for the plane to take off, but while waiting I decided to send Reed a text.

Me: Whatever you said to fuck with Jazz head thanks a lot.

RW: That's my daughter Teigan

Me: You're right maybe she'll like to know a couple things about her father

RW: Try me sweetheart I bet you'll like to know a couple things about yours

I didn't bother texting him back because I winder what he meant by that and if he was just saying that to anger me or not.

"Please turn all electronic devices off or turn on the airplane mode"The flight attendant said.


The flight had been airborne for a couple hours and I started to get dehydrated so I pushed the button to let the flight attendant know I needed assistance.

"How may I help you"She said.

"Can I get a

"Alright"She said leaving to get m drink I turned to see Jazz sleeping. The flight attendant came back with drink​ I nodded my head to her saying a thank you.

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