Chapter 2: Revenge & Redemption

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Revenge & Redemption

That night Reed carried Teigan and Jasmine up into Jasmine room. So when both girls woke up to the smell of breakfast they ran downstairs to see Reed sitting at the head of the table on an IPad.

"Girls morning"Reed said looking up.

"Morning Mr.Walker-Dad"Both the girls said taking their seat.

"Reed have the-"Elizabeth Walker said walking into the dinning room then stopped when she saw the girls sitting at the table.

"Oh girls morning"Ms.Walker said.

"Morning"The girls said in unison. Elizabeth made her way over to Reed and kissed him on the forehead whispering something in his ear which caused Teigan to look over at them zoning out of what Jasmine was saying.

Elizabeth looked back over to Teigan and Jasmine. Teigan looked away quickly giving her attention to the plate of food that rested in front of her.

"I have to go, but I'll be back Wednesday night"Elizabeth said.

"Bye Mom"Jasmine said. Teigan looked over at Jasmine raising her eyebrows.

"Some work thing"Jasmine whispered and shrugged her shoulders showing she didn't really care since her mom had recently been always leaving due to some work thing.

"So Dad are you working today"Jasmine said.

"Yes and I should be leaving soon. I'll be home late tonight"Reed said getting out of his seat going upstairs.

"Party?"Teigan asked.

"Definitely"Jasmine said.


"What were you girls thinking"Reed yelled at the two teenage girls who seemed to be drunk out of their minds. Teigan held up her hand to tell Reed to stop yelling, but couldn't get the words out.


"No"Reed said shaking his head and started mumbling things, but Teigan seemed to hear him slip in Elizabeth's name somewhere in his monologue.

"I'm going home"Teigan said trying to slip pass Reed, but he caught her by the arm.

"Nice try Teigan, but you're not going anywhere until this house is spotless"Reed said letting the young girl go he stormed upstairs.

Teigan turned to see Jasmine glaring at her.

"What? It was worth trying Jazz"Teigan said then started grabbing cups throwing them in the trash.

The girls didn't finish until seven the next morning. So as Reed descended down the steps he saw both girls passed out on the floor of the living room.

"What am I going to do"Reed said. He sighed taking a piece of paper he wrote a note leaving it where he knew the girls will find it and made his way to work.


You guys were on the floor and I didn't bother to wake you, but Jasmine your mother will be home Wednesday. Teigan you're welcome to stay here, your mother also called this morning to say she's sending a plane ticket for you and Jasmine to join her at her Fashion Show in Paris. I'll be home at six NO PARTYING ~ Dad

"I wonder why he bolded no partying"Teigan said laughing while looking at Jasmine.

"I wonder"Jasmine said laughing.

"Exactly why did he put it on my forehead you're his daughter"Teigan said. Jasmine laughed and both girls made there way to the kitchen only wanting one thing. Food.

"So let's see there's bacon, cereal, sausage, waffles, pancakes, and-"

"Can't we just call in"Teigan said cutting Jasmine off.


The girls arrived to school during second hour which was a record for them since they seemed to come when lunch was over.

"So Paris"Jasmine said latching her arm onto Teigan's.

"Yeah it'll be nice to go back"Teigan said.

"Or see that pretty French boy"Jasmine said letting out a giggle.

"That too"Teigan said. The girls waved a goodbye to each other and Teigan walked into her second hour.

"Ms. Michaels thanks for gracing us with your presence this Monday morning"Mr. Edlund said.

"Carter if you wanted to see me more often all you had to do was ask"Teigan said taking her seat. She had called most of her teachers- the ones she liked- by their first names. Mr. Edlund had looked up from the Chemistry book, glancing at Teigan then back at the book continuing on with whatever they were learning before she entered the room. The bell rung and Teigan jumped ready to escape the monologue of Mr. Edlund yelling that the project is due next Tuesday.

"Teigan"The voice of Ryan Pieter said. Teigan turned to see the annoying pest that was Ryan Pieter.

"Ryan"Teigan said in an annoyed tone.

"So I'm having a party"Ryan said. Teigan knew what he was doing, he was trying to get her mad since the last party she had got busted by Jazz dad.

"Cool"Teigan said acting not really interested and began to walk away. Ryan chuckled and began to follow her.

"Yeah, I mean, since yours got busted and all, "Ryan said turning and walking away. Ryan Pieter had been somewhat enemies with Teigan since she could remember so as she stood in the hallway coming up with an idea to somewhat ruin his party a thought came to her.


Lunch came faster than Teigan thought and she was ready for the big announcement.

"Ready"Jazz said as she walked up to her redheaded friend.

"I guess"Teigan said, moving the tray she stood on one of the tables in the cafeteria and caught the attention of most of the seniors around her.

"Hi, I'm Teigan Michaels and this is my best friend Jasmine Walker just wanted to let you guys know that Ryan Pieter is having a party tonight and everyone is invited Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, Freshmen"Teigan said and the entire time her eyes stayed locked on one person.

Ryan Pieter who looked absolutely pissed.

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