Paris Shopping & Paris Fashion Show

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Haven't really found the time to update/edit so every chapter after this one is kind of trash grammar.

Paris Shopping & Paris Fashion Show

"Dad yes we're having fun"Jazz said as we walked around the shopping center. She picked up a dress and I nodded. She handed me the phone and I looked to her going towards the dressing room.

"Reed"I said.

"Teigan"He said.

"Miss me yet"I said twirling my hair between my fingers.

"Hmm maybe"He said.

"I mean if you haven't I can always find something or someone to occupy my time here"I said. I heard a crash and I jumped.

"I'm okay"I heard Jazz yell.

"What was that"He said.

"Nothing just Jazz being herself like, but stop trying to change the subject"I said.

"Oh I'm not, but I can also find another distraction"He said.

"So I'm just a distraction"I questioned.

"Teigan you know I didn't-"I hung up before he could finish what he was going to say.

Jazz came out of the dressing room and her own clothes and I laughed.

"Did you fall"I said. She glared at me throwing the dress back on the rack and I gave her the phone back.

"He had to go something about a meeting he was late for"I said. She nodded her head and we went to other stores buying more and more things mostly swimsuits and lingerie.

"So this is what were wearing for the show"I said. She looked over at me then back to the dress.

"Hell yes"She said.


I stood in the mirror waiting for Jazz to get out the shower when my phone started ringing I walked over without looking at the Caller I.D. I answered the phone.

"Hello"I said.

"Teigan how's the trip"Ms.Walker said.

"I'm loving it we just went shopping if you wanted to speak with Jazz she's in the shower"I said wanting to get her off the phone.

"No I just wanted to call and speak to you sorry got to go"She said in hurry then hung up. As I looked at my phone my body went tense.

Why was she calling me from Reed's phone.

"Teigan"I heard Jazz yell from the bathroom.

"Yes"I said.

"Come do my hair I look like a yeti"She said. I laughed and made my way to the bathroom opening the door seeing Jazz in only a bra and underwear.

"Sit"I said.


When I was done with Jazz hair she did hers and my makeup and before we knew it was time to go.

"Girls time to go"My mother said knocking on the door. Jazz and I looked over each other and smiled opening the door we walked out the room and downstairs my mother stood at the door on the phone and looked absolutely beautiful.

"Mother you look-"

"Absolutely stunning I know you girls look beautiful"She said cutting me off. Jazz and I said thank you in unison and walked out the house heading towards the car that was in the driveway waiting for us.

The car ride went smoothly until my mother got a phone call making us turn down the music.

"What do you mean she's sick"My mother yelled into the phone. She waited then she muttered something I couldn't hear.

"Tell her to take some medicine and drink chicken soup and get to this show or the next runway she walk down will be at an airport"My mother shouted into the phone hanging up. I looked up to see the driver shaking a little.

"Mother what happened"I said.

"One of the lingerie models are sick and we don't have a back up because she's supposed to be one of our highlights this year"My mother said.

"I'll do it"I said.

"No"My mother said looking up at me.

"I have experience"I said.

"Yeah, when you were seven"Jazz said beside me, I hit my elbow into her side telling her to shut up and looked back at my mother.

"Either I walk or no one walks"I said knowing she wouldn't pass me up now.


"Teigan remember, don't fall, don't look-"

"Directly into the camera, don't forget to wave, and don't forget to stop and pose I think I got it when you drilled it into my head the entire way here"I said cutting my mother off. Jazz stood beside me on FaceTime with her mother telling her to turn on the TV. I heard Ms. Walkr say okay and Jazz said thanks Mom and hung up.

"Jeez, it's not that serious, "I said.

"Yes, it is my best friend is on a live show and before we know it you might model for Victoria Secret"Jazz said.

"Fingers crossed"I said.

"We're ready for her"The man said coming in to get me.

"So how many girls fall on these runways"I said.

"A lot I'm kidding, but your mother is Amy Michaels"He said and pushed me out.

I can do this.

I walked down the runway sent a kiss to one of the many males in the seats on the side and wave to the other side when I got to the end, I looked at the cameras and flipped my hair and turned around walking back up the runway I stopped and turned to pose. I looked up to see the other girls in the show  start to walk down and I smiled and joined them, I made my way back up the runway and went inside where my mother and Jazz stood jumping up in and down.

"That was perfect"Jazz said.

"Yes, if I knew those lessons paid off I would've thrown you into this long ago"My mother said.

"Well, I'm going to change out of this, "I said, heading to the side and change into a jumpsuit they left out for me.

"Jazz can I get my phone"I said she came over handing me my phone and walking back to where my mother was.

I unlocked my phone to several messages and notifications from Instagram and Twitter, but one message stood out.

  RW: You will be punished.

This story has gotten so far I was just thanking you guys for 2.9k+ and now it's pass 4k and I want to thank you guys so much because I didn't want to post this story, but I had so many ideas for it that I needed to share it. So thank you once again for reading it.  Also if anyone wanted to know what Teigan wore it's below this is the lingerie outfit I could find to match my imagination.

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