Chapter 5: Twilight & Takeout

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This book has reached 2.9k+ reads and I am thanking all of you that vote and read this book because honestly I can't get into it myself so thank you. And don't forget to vote and comment. Enjoy this chapter. Sorry it took so long.

Twilight & Takeout

"Ladies and Gentlemen​ welcome to Paris Airport-Le Bourget I hope you enjoyed flying with International Airlines. If you're home welcome home and if you're visiting don't forget to try the food."The lady said. As the seat belt sign went off everyone around us rose to their feet grabbing their bags.

"Paris can't wait to see-"

"French Models"I said finishing Jazz sentence.

"So where are we staying"Jazz asked.

"At the house"I said. Jazz looked over in smiled.

"Really"She said.

"I was tired of staying in a hotel so I told mother we would stay at the house"I said.

When we left the airport in the car my mother had arranged for us Jazz went on and on about how she couldn't wait til the show.

"Hey we have send my dad a pic"She said taking out her phone. I looked up at the camera and smiled.

"Why is it that wherever we go your father always insist on a picture"I asked.

"Maybe because he's the head of a company and has alot of money"She said. I nodded my head and stayed silent until we reached the house.

I didn't notice I fell asleep until Jazz was waking me up.

"We're here and-"

"Sweetie mother has missed you"I looked up to see my mother walking over to the car.

"Mother how was your trips"I said getting out with a curious Jazz behind me.

"It was inspirational"my mother said.

"Well let's get you girls settled in then we can go out for lunch"My mother said. We both nodded our heads and headed for our home for next few days.

"Your mom has a glow"Jazz said as we walked in the room. I closed the door in sighed and went to sit over on the bed.

"I noticed"I said. She came over to sit down beside me.

"Do you think-

"No way I mean out of all the places why would he be here"I said.

The next thing I knew someone was knocking on the door and I hadn't even noticed Jazz and I fell asleep we must've been really tired.

"Girls"I heard my mom say entering the room. I looked up in she was dressed in something else.

"Uh, yeah"I said.

"I have to meet with some of the owners of the fashion show to make sure everything goes right so I ordered some food maybe we can go out tomorrow"My mother said.

"Sure and I'm tired, so that's fine and thanks for ordering in"I said. She nodded her head and closed the door. Jazz springed up beside me giving me a scare.

"She's hiding something"She said.

"I figured much, "I said.

Jazz and I left the room to go get the food and put on Twilight while we ate.

"I don't understand why she picked Edward over Jacob"Jazz said.

"You did not just say that"I said. Jazz looked at me as if I grew another head.

"Jacob has all of that and the only thing Edward can do is keep her cool in the summer time and he can't even go in sun so he's useless"She said.

"We're no longer friends, "I said, throwing a fry at her.

"You love me"She said.

"Yeah, I know, but that doesn't mean I do right now you Edward hater"I said.

We watched the Twilight then went on to watch Sofia the First don't judge us.

That's all it's pretty much a filler. Gotta dash. Thank you all once again.

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