Chapter 4: Affairs & Arguments

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Affairs & Arguments

"Teigan wake up"I heard Jazz scream. I groaned turning away from her voice.

"Wake up"She said pulling the covers off me. I shivered feeling the coldness on my body. I reached over picking up the pillow I threw it at Jazz hopefully she was where my senses were telling me, but I was proved wrong when I heard a male voice.

"Ow"I looked up to see Mr.Walker standing in the doorway. I opened my eyes to see Mr.Walker standing in the doorway and Jazz slightly over to the side.

"Dad"Jazz said trying to control her laughter. I looked him up and down watching his movements carefully.

"Jasmine, Teigan morning girls"He said to us both.

"Morning"Jazz and I said in unison.

"Jinx"I said then reached for another pillow hitting her in the leg.

"Breakfast is fixed your jet leaves tomorrow at 7am so I thought that you could take off school today and we could go to the carnival"Mr.Walker said. Jazz looked at me and I nodded shrugging my shoulders.

Before we ever left the country we had a tradition of always going to an amusement park so the carnival being our destination today didn't seem that bad I mean other than the clowns. When we arrived at the carnival I was like a kid on Christmas day. Excited.

"So what do you girls want to do first"Mr.Walker said. You.I looked over at Jazz and thought of one thing.

"Tea-cups"We said in unison and ran off with Mr.Walker strolling behind us. Neither one of us addressed what happened last night and at the moment I could care less I've had one night stands in my life, but kissing my best friend dad was one that I couldn't seem to get off my mind. As Jasmine and I took our seats in the ride we waited for the man to start. After the tea-cups ride Jazz had ran to the bathroom.

"About last-"Reed started to say, but I held out my hand not wanting to hear it.

"Michaels"I heard from behind me and turned to see Ryan.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school"I said. He looked angry and not someone bumped into me angry no he looked like bat shît angry.

"I was, but then my parents came home and guess what they found on the wall"Ryan said out of the corner of my eye I saw Jazz come stand next to me.

"Hmm Jazz what could it be"I said. I had forgotten all about Reed at the moment and my attention was all on Ryan.

"Maybe it was his alien family coming back for him oh wait why would anyone want you back"Jazz said making me laugh.

"No it was this"Ryan said taking out his phone showing us a picture of what seemed to be the best thing Jazz has ever come up with. We both started laughing which made Ryan groan and walk away.

"Oh my God I have to thank whoever did that"I said. Jazz nodded her head and said don't forget about the deal.

We had decided to go on the Ferris Wheel last so as we stood in line I watched as it went round and round. When it was finally our turn to get on Jazz backed out.

"You go ahead I'm not feeling well"Jazz said.

"Do you want me to stay"Reed said.

"No-no I'm fine"Jazz said I looked at her and she darted her eyes to the left and I knew exactly why she was not feeling "well".

The thing is the Ferris Wheel takes at least twenty minutes to go around and I'm pretty sure Jazz found someone to distract her during that time.

"We're pretty high up, "I said. Reed nodded his head and looked around.

"What is this"I said.

"What"Reed said.

"I mean you're a married man and your daughter is my best friend not to mention I'm in high school"I said.

"Teigan"Reed said making me look at him.

"I don't know what this is and yes, I am married and you may be in high school and my daughter's best friend, but what we have is something I don't have with Elizabeth"Reed said and kissed me. The kiss turned into a make-out session and the next thing I know I'm on my knees giving Reed a blowjob. As we get to the end of the ride I lick my lips and sit back in the seat.

I don't who won that one, but let's just say I can't wait to get back from Paris.

The reason it took me so long with this one is because I had to go back to reading the book and make sure it was going to the way I want it. And it is.

So see you Sinners in Paris. And thanks for 1k+ reads when I saw it, I was on vacation with no wifi or service and I had to find a way to check the book and I jumped up and started dancing and I'm a horrible dancer so it went like this

 And thanks for 1k+ reads when I saw it, I was on vacation with no wifi or service and I had to find a way to check the book and I jumped up and started dancing and I'm a horrible dancer so it went like this

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And check out Submissive. It's posted.

"Poppy"He said walking towards her

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"Poppy"He said walking towards her.

"M-Mason"Poppy stuttered out.

"You have to be punished"He said, pushing her against the closed door.

Poppy Hayes and Mason Dyre are next door neighbor's and have been best friends since first grade, but the summer before senior year they have a disagreement and Mason says something's he didn't mean causing Poppy to just cut all ties to him, but as senior year starts Mason realizes he can't just forget about the girl next door.

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