It's never over

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It has been 3 years since the death of my dearest, Erik. I have been in this prison for about 2 years now. There was a year of trials, and I tried to run away. Every trial, I tried to explain that It was a set-up. Christine knew he was my fiancé, and she told Raoul. She would've killed me as well. I wish he did. Every day I relive that horrible night. In my sleep, all I see is my one thing good in my life, dead. I can't eat anymore. I can't sleep. It has been 3 years of this hell I'm living. I can't take it anymore. I need to be free, finally.

I sat on my gross bed, in my jail cell. I was called "dangerous" due to the phantom accident, so I had a cell all to myself. I sang quietly to myself, as I just sat, in my hellish world. "Lunch, Y/n" the prison guard sang cheerfully. I made friends with the prison guards for some odd reason. Since I got here, I was polite like I usually was before, and everyone just liked me, well, besides my cell mates. "I'm not hungry" I replied quietly. The guard then turned his head to look at me through the bars, and looked up and down at my skinny body. His eyes grew wide with concern, and began rambling about how unhealthy I looked, as I just stared at the concrete floor. "Y/n?! Are you even listening?" The guard yelled. I stared up at him, with my eyes that showed my depression and malnutrition. "I said, I. Am. Not. Hungry" I stated firmly. The guard sighed, and set the food down, on the floor carefully, and headed towards the exit of the cage. As he walked, I see the keys on the side of his hip. That was my way out! I made a plan in my head, and in 0.5 seconds, I decided I had to go along with it. "Wait" I whispered faintly, but loud enough for him to hear. I stood up, and walked to the guard, as I twiddled my fingers. When I got close enough, I looked him straight in the eyes, and cringed, "I'm sorry." With that being said, I punched the guard in the face, knocking him out. I swiftly took the keys, and took his clothes, so I wouldn't be caught as fast. I showed my dirty, h/c hair in the police hat, and disguised myself to the best of my ability. I quietly walked out of my cell, and locked the door. I knew all keys by now. 3 years of watching people open up the doors, give you some use. I carefully walked through the hallways, to the Prison bins, for the belongings of the prisoners. I needed my cloak and dagger. Weirdly, none of the other cops seemed to notice, so I was unsuspected. Eventually, I got to the bins, but in mine, there was something that wasn't mine. "A letter?" I mumbled. I shrugged and shoved it in my bra. When everything was out of the bin, I began to fast-walk out of the police station. I was just about to get out, when a police guard blocked the door for me to escape. "What do you think you're doing?" They said. "I-I.. It's my break..." I stuttered, keeping my head down.

"Wait a minute!" The guard said. After that, he ripped off my hat, to find my long hair, and my girlish face. The guard was shocked, and he pressed a button to set off an alarm. I had to think fast, so I pulled out my dagger, and shot his leg, and along with the other guard's. After I did so, I bolted out of there, and ran. Little did I realize, I was still in Paris, and there was only one place to go, The Opera Populaire. I quickly slid through the secret opening, and headed to the Lair. I remember this place like everything was perfect, just as if it was yesterday. I couldn't help but remember all of the memories. Hot tears streamed down my face as I ran to the Lair. I remembered the first time I went down here. I stopped running, trying to calm down. I know he wasn't ever coming back. I would have to life without him. On my own. I sat down on the cold, concrete ground. I didn't notice how far I've ran, until i looked back at all of the many entrances to tunnels. I sighed, and sat there still. Soon, I calmed myself down, and kept walking.

The sadness I felt, turned to anger, and I realized that Christine and Raoul would feel what I feel. They do not deserve such happiness. They took the one good thing from my life, and it was Erik. Erik at least let Christine go. They had no mercy. I eventually got to the lair. Everything was exactly how we left it. I smiled with pain as I got into the boat, and paddled to shore. The candles were melted completely, but Erik's music lasted on the floor and tables, just as he left them. I cringed at the sight of his cloak, draped on a chair. I slowly walked towards it, and lifted the cloak off the chair. It still, after 3 years, smelled like him. I carefully put it on, and began to once again, explore the magical home. I was just about to get to the kitchen after gaining the courage to, but I saw something catch my eye. A ring. No, this wasn't just any ring. MY ring. I burst out in tears once again, as I put the ring on my finger. I was hypnotized by the sparkle it had, when it reflected the light. I smiled, and sense it was night time now, I headed to the bedroom. I was welcomed by the giant swan bed, and the luxurious red sheets. I jumped into bed, and laid there, wide awake. I just laid there, until a brilliant idea slapped me in the face. I wanted to make Christine and Raoul suffer as I did, correct? Well, the only logical way to do that, is to make them believe they  can't get rid of the phantom of the opera, who was now an actual phantom, BECAUSE OF THEM. I will "haunt" them, and I will sneakily turn their life into living nightmares. "This should be fun" I thought to myself, as a sickening grin spread across my face. I sighed, and eventually went to sleep.

-=oh yes, you didn't think it was over did ya? WELL GUESS WHAT ITS NOOOOOT! Love ya guys, and I'll try and do my best on this book like I did with the last 😊 hope you like it! DAisY=-

The Devil in heaven {Phantom of the opera x reader}Where stories live. Discover now