Meet and greet

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I was shocked when Raoul sang d those words. I was speechless. I opened my mouth but no words came out. I couldn't kill Y/n! I can't kill a person physically, but I can mentally. This would be something I have never done before. "Look, I'll give you 1000 more francs if you do it, and you can keep the original amount of money I gave you before" Raoul sighed. As soon as I know it, Raoul was gone.

I paced around my room for 2 hours, deciding if I should...kill a person. If I did go along with it, I'd be a hit man, and I would be breaking the law. If I didn't go along with it...who knows what Raoul would do to me. I had no clue what to do. A surge of guilt rushed over me like lava. I finally knew what I had to do, but I decided that I should sleep on my decision, and see if it makes sense in the morning.

I drifted off to sleep with a really bad feeling in my brain and chest. This was not going to be good.


I got to the opera house at approximately 2 am. Once I got to my new lair, I closer the gate and covered it with a big plastic tarp and nails. I couldn't let people see me without a mask! That would mean I'd have to hurt them, not kill them, but hurt them.

I knew what I had to do. Tomorrow, I would kidnap Erik, and bring him here in my lair. Then, I would slap him a couple of times because PAYBACK'S A BITCH, and then I'd make him some pancakes and quesadillas which are his favorite foods. I was so happy he was alive, but I was crushed on the inside how he just...forgot about me. He disowned me. The first thing he asked me was "How are you?" WHat THe HElL? YoU WeRE DeAD! That, earned him another slap.

I planned a very organized mission to kidnap my too-late-to-be husband. First, I would have to find out where he lived, and get rid of everyone in that house. Secondly, I would have to knock him out somehow, like a punch to the face, or something like that. Thirdly, this would be the trickiest part, transportation to the lair. After an hour of thinking, I came up with a solution, I would bring my horse to his house, and drag Erik in a wheelbarrow or something that their home would provide, all the way to the horse. Next, I would tie Erik up, and I'd wake him so he can get on the horse himself. It was a full proof plan! I wrote all of the notes on an old piece of music that had water damage. Hey! What can I say! We're very responsible ya know, recycling and stuff! *cough* *cough* myself reading this right now.

I brought the paper to the bedroom and put it on my nightstand by my mask, so I would not get lazy and not go along with my plot. I finally changed my clothes and took a long shower and washed away my filth of nature. Ew, nature. I went to bed around 4 am with no regrets.

I drifted to sleep with a big ass smirk on my smug little face, in my big swan bed that I will soon share with my fiancé like I did 3 years ago. 'Tomorrow will be great' I thought to myself over and over. And oh yes, Tomorrow would be great.

(Time skip to the next day)


I woke up bright and early the day after I saw my fiancée. I had a mission to follow, and I would do whatever it took to stay with the scheme. I woke up around 5:30 am ish, and left the house at 6. I took ride my horse as fast as his long legs could carry him, all the way to the opera house. I didn't go through the entrance though. I used the very secret passageway I used to get into here as a child. I snuck in soundlessly and undetected.

Knowing Y/n would probably have nowhere else to stay, I headed down to the lair. I stepped carefully on each stone, knowing there would be boobie traps, that I have set up. I finally got to the lair entrance, but weirdly, it was shut by a gate, and the gate was somehow covered with a plastic-like tarp or curtain. "Y/n most certainly desires her privacy.." I whispered to myself while chuckling.

After 10 minutes of trying to figure a way to get the gate open, I suddenly remembered the secret lever in the water. I face-palmed myself and pulled the lever with effort, because it had rusted due to the lack of use over the years. I smiled as it raised along with the candles being lit as they came out from the water. Suddenly, I heard ruffling from the bedroom. I carefully tiptoed to the curtain, and located the rope to allow myself to enter. "Y/n?..." I called out as I slowly pulled the rope. As the curtain raised, I was welcomed with a beautiful girl with a gun, pointing it at me.

"Erik?" Y/n asked, obviously shocked. "Y/n?" I responded. "Oh you have some nerve coming here..." Y/n stated firmly as she got out of the bed and walked up to me, while she mumbled profanity. As soon as I know it, I was pinned down to the floor, with Y/n on top of me. She then proceeded to slap me over and over again. She didn't stop until my face was covered with her  hand marks. 

After she stopped violently assaulting my face, she helped be up, and got me some ice, without speaking to me. She took me to the table in the kitchen and just stared at me. I looked at her weird and she just kept staring. After about 30 minutes of complete silence and an awkward staring contest, she finally spoke. "Explain", she whispered cold, you could hear her voice crack with hurt. I sighed an a replied the best to my ability. "I was rescued by a doctor and his daughter. I lived there for about 3 years now, and I grew very close to the daughter, who you met yesterday. Y/n, I am so sincerely sorry mon ange, I-I thought you were gone. The daughter told me to not look for you because you weren't going to be found...I'm sorry. And yes, I am alive" I explained and apologized. Y/n looked to her feet. Before I know it, she backhand slapped me again. "Sorry..but you deserved that...and the one before that...and the one before that..." she whispered, holding her hand behind her back, so she could' slap me again. I smiled at her and accepted her apology. I didn't have the audacity to be mad at her. At least I was happy those 3 years. I could see that Y/n was scarred for life now. She still wore her engagement ring, while I forgot all about it. 

"I'm hungry..." Y/n stated softly as she quietly got up from the table "want me to make you some food?" 

The Devil in heaven {Phantom of the opera x reader}Where stories live. Discover now