Oh, it's okay now i guess

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It has been about a week since Y/n killed Alice. What happened to kind, loving girl I once knew? I am now staying at a hotel in Paris about 4 miles from the opera house. That day I re met    Y/n was just a stressful blur now. Even though how much I tried, I couldn't get her out of my head. I hated her, but I needed to see her again. I felt..guilty. Why should she be the one to be forgotten and not me? Of course I've been through that before, but now since it's because of me, I feel disgusting. I am the monster here, like I always had been.

I woke up bright and early. I quickly got ready to face the broken girl in my opera house. I didn't eat because if things went as planned, y/n would just make me food. No, I didn't want to be with her, but I didn't want tings to be bad between us.
Yes, she killed my girlfriend, but really, why was she there in the first place. To be completely honest, I was upset when y/n killed her, but... relieved.

I quietly hopped up the steps to the opera house. I tried to open the front doors, but they were locked tight. Knowing a secret entrance since I lived here for my whole life, I ran down to a little window like gate on the side of the opera house, and slipped through it with ease. I began to make my way to my old lair to see y/n. I had no idea what I would say to her, but I had a gut feeling it would be okay.

I woke up to the sound of something coming from the tunnels. I quickly got dressed in a long black dress, and one of the many black cloaks. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and I grabbed a sword that was just laying around like usual. I put my hood on so they would not be able to see my face. I waited for what seemed like fifteen minutes, until I saw someone come through the river. I immediately hid in my hidden room, where I can see out, but people can't see in.

The strange person began to search for something in my house. They were light on their feet so I could barely hear their footsteps. They turned around in my direction so I could see their face. It was not Erik, it was Raoul. He was probably checking to see if Alice did her job. I was frozen in fear. If he saw me I'd be dead. He would kill me himself. After about 30 minutes, it seemed as if he had given up. He took one last look until he found the letter on a table by the stairs. He laughed evilly. "Y/n, you can't hide forever...if I can't find you, I'll find him..." he   Called out to me. I had to warn Erik after Raoul would leave. He took the letter and put it in his pocket. Raoul left without a sound, and I waited about 10 minutes after I knew he was away, I just wanted to be sure. I quietly came out from my hiding spot as just sat there on the floor, confused, scared, and shocked. I then heard splashing coming from the water. I ran back into my hiding spot, thinking it was Raoul again.

"Y/n?" The person called out. I knew then it wasn't Raoul again by the smoothness of his voice. The way he called my name wasn't like the sick way Raoul had said it a few minutes ago. "Y/n?" They called again. I still did not want to go back out, it would not be safe, but something inside me forced me to. His back was facing me, so it gave me time to rush up behind him, and put my sword up to his neck. I quickly yanked the curtain back, but I guess they heard me, because his head immediately turned back and faced me. "Y/n..." He said. It was Erik. I was frozen. My sword was in my hand, I could not believe I was about to threaten to behead him! I dropped my sword, and pulled off my hood. "Hm" I replied. He stood silent and walked closer to me. I honestly thought this was just a dream and I would wake up again, alone. We were inches apart, and my face turned 10 shades redder. "What are you doing here?" I managed to squeak out. He shrugged. I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my hand. Not in a rough way, but in a please-don't-leave way, I sighed, and turned back to face him. "Raoul was here" I said blankly, looking at the floor. He looked confused, so I began to explain what happened. I could tell he didn't believe me. At least it was worth a shot. "Why are you here?" I asked, remembering that I killed his girlfriend. He sighed, and his eyes burned into mine, like when he killed my friend almost 4 years ago. It hurt me, but I just stared coldly back at him, not showing any emotion. We sat there in silence just staring.

"I shot Christine again, about a week ago.." I finally blurted out "I guess when you shoot one person, you can't stop." Erik sighed and looked down. "She was trying to kill me, but I knew you wouldn't believe me. Prison changes a person. I had a note, but Raoul took it a couple of minutes before you came in. It was quite frightening, but I hid fast enough, that's why you couldn't find me" I added. Erik looked like he believed me, but didn't at the same time. "Are you going to say anything? 'CAuse if you aren't, you can leave me..." I stated firmly, tired of all of his silence. I stood up, and he stood up as well. As soon as I know it, his arms are wrapped around me, and he is hugging me. "I'm sorry.." he whispered into my neck. My arms were at my sides and I really didn't want to hug him back, but that same thing I felt before made me hug back. "I guess we're both monsters?" I said calmly, still hugging Erik.

"What are we going to do with Raoul?" Erik said, kind of happily. He smiled. Even though he was dead for 3 years, it felt as if nothing happened then, and it was all regular. I smiled back, and brought him back into a hug. "I missed you."

The Devil in heaven {Phantom of the opera x reader}Where stories live. Discover now