Lies and betrayal

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I was frozen. He was dead. He looked at me weirdly. Realizing he was confused with why I was staring at him, I immediately took off my mask, and kissed him. I was shaking with happiness. Tears rolled down my face as I held onto my Erik. He gently hugged back, and rested his head on mine. I didn't want to let go ever, but I had to. I backed away so I could see all of him. "Erik?" I called softly, still shaky. "Y-Y/n?" He stuttered. I grew a huge smile, and hugged him once more. "Y-you died. I saw you. This is all just a dream isn't it?" I cried into his clothes. He pay my back and stroked my hair. "Shhhh it's okay. I'm here now" he tried to calm me. I calmed down and I was suffocated with happiness. "I can't believe you are alive" I whispered. "Same with you" he replied in his calming voice "how are you?" I stayed silent. "You were dead" I reappeared to myself once more "You weren't coming didn't come back." I cried.

All of a sudden, I heard someone else come in through the doors. "Erik?" She called out. "Alice?" Erik responded with fear in his eyes, frozen. "Erik!" She ran over to him and kissed him right then and there. I was horrified and my eyes grew wide is shock and complete betrayal. "Who's this?" She asked looking at me innocently. I looked back at Erik hurt. "I'm his fiancée" I hissed, holding up my wedding ring on my skinny finger, from the starvation. She laughed. "Fiancée? Really? I'm his girlfriend", she mocked. I glared my eyes at this daft girl who even DARED LOOK AT ME.  I then stuck my head up, and looked at my Erik dead in the eye. He was mortified. I then looked back at the innocent girl and slapped her right across her pale face. The girl fell to the ground in pain. She screamed, and I knew that gave me less time to hide from the cops that would be arriving soon. I then remembered Erik. OOOOH I WAS PISSED AT HIM. I grabbed his wrist, and dropped the ring in his hand, with an icy stare. "Now you can marry her" I cooed sarcastically. He didn't have any chance to say anything because by the time he opened his mouth, I was already by the entrance of the opera house, leaving. I was out of the opera house in a blink of an eye. I heard Erik call my name out behind me. For a split second, I glanced behind me to see him chasing me. My thought consumed me as I ran. It all made sense now. Why he didn't come rescue me. Why he went missing at the incident. He didn't need me. He was using me. This made me so furious that cold tears of hate ran down my cheeks. This was unfair of him. 

It was now nighttime when I stopped running. Erik was nowhere to be found,  and I was completely alone. I ended up at a lake, surrounded by trees. It triggered a flashback of me and Erik. I soon realized I was sitting under a tree, balling my eyes out. It felt as if my heart was ripped out by a rusty pair of salad tongs and smashed with broken glass. I was put my face in between my knees and tried to calm myself down. I put my head up and looked at the lake. This was a bad mistake because this pretty much just triggered a major flashback. 

I forgive you.

Say you'll love me every waking moment,
Lead me,
Save me from my solitude,
Say you'll want me with you here,
Beside you,
Anywhere you go let me go too,
Y/n that's all I ask of you!

I screamed when the flashback was over. All of these years, he was dead. No, I guess he wasn't. It was all a lie. Everything. LIES!

"Hah, 'you'd always love me', Erik" I whispered as tears rolled down my face. I instantly was flushed with an anger I have never been introduced to. My tears evaporated from my cheeks like steam. I haven't felt this angry since I threw that boiling hot pan at my brother's face! No, this was worse.  How DARE HE not even look for me?! He was awful. Everyone betrayed me. The fire inside me blew up like an atomic bomb. I swear the ground shook and the trees moved as I let out an ear-shattering scream. I got up, fixed my appearance, and started stomping away to my opera house.I decided NOBODY can mock me, so I stomped all the way back to the opera house to reign my kingdom as I deserve to. I knew my true power there.They would have to suffer the wrath of Y/n.  Nobody was going to stop me. I will make the Opera house life as bad as mine. It will truly be my opera. The phantom's opera.


"Erik, she's gone" Alice repeatedly stated to me. My anger and fear only grew each second when Alice kept talking. Everything she said turned into a blur. I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n. Alice was a liar, and she didn't tell me my one love was alive. Now, Y/n hates me, and Alice showed her truer colors. I don't what other secrets she's keeping from me, partners are supposed to tell each other everything. I can't believe she lied to me. I immediately froze in shock and shame. Y/n. She thought I was dead...for 3 years... and I wasn't. I also didn't try and find her. WHY DID I TRUST A STRANGER? I knew I should've left the day I was ready to leave. I with the incident of The opera never happened, I wish this was all a dream. But No, this life, was a nightmare.

I played with the beautiful diamond ring in my hands. It sparkled in the light of the candles, right by the lamp by my bed. I needed space after seeing Y/n, so I didn't stay in the same room as Alice. I don't think I would ever want to see her after she talked to Y/n that way. I never saw that side of either of them before! I decided I was going to find Y/n and make this right between us tomorrow. I had to! I mean, I haven't seen Y/n for 3 years, and now I show up, with a girlfriend? I don't think so. 

The thought of Y/n still having her wedding ring on. She...never let go. I moved on a couple of months after. That thought made tears of shame well up in my eyes. How could I do this to her? What kind of monster am I? As soon as I know it, my mask is drenched with tears, so I had no choice but to take it off. I turned to the mirror to take the mask off carefully so it wouldn't break. Suddenly, it was off. There was nothing to cover my distorted face. How could Y/n love me? How could alice love me. Of course, she has no idea my face is a mask. If she found out, would she leave? I know Y/n loves-or loved me regardless of my face, but would Alice? There was only one way to find out. Tomorrow, I would find my old love, and find out if my new love really does love me like Y/n. For now, we would just have to wait.


Today was a big mess in our plan! Erik was not supposed to know the brat was alive! When Christine and Raoul hear about this it will surely be my head. That is if they find out. I cannot let that happen. When my daddy rescued him, Christine and Raoul paid me 1000000 francs to make both Erik and Y/n's like a living nightmare. I needed to plan for a few years though. Now that Erik and Y/n pretty much hate each other, my work is almost complete. The three years Y/n served was all my plan. A little bribe on the judge will do you some good. Y/n was miserable for 3 years because of me! That statement made a smirk crawl upon my face. 

I wrote down a plan in my diary as I sat on my bed, alone. This is all good I guess. I really needed space to write freely an elaborate plan to take down the too-late-to-be Mrs. and Mr. Destler. Weirdly,  a sudden knock came from my door. I quickly slammed my diary shut and walked over to the door. "Speak of the devil.." I whispered to myself and I saw who stood before me. "Raoul? W-what are you doing here?" I stuttered, hoping they didn't hear about the news of the famous couple knowing  that each other are alive. They both staed at me coldly and let themselves inside.  "We know about Erik and Y/n, Alice" Raoul stated sternly. I looked down at the floor in shame. "We? CHRISTINE's STILL ALIVE? SHE GOT SHOT 3 TIMES!" I exclaimed in awe. Raoul looked at me like I was dirt. "She's fine, we need to talk" Raoul insisted. I nodded and sat down at the couch. "You haven't been doing a very good job lately" he added after a long period of silence. "I want my money back, Alice" he stated rudely. I was shocked and I guess m expression gave away the fact that I had spent all of the money before. "Alice, to save your ass, how about another task..." Raoul got up and whispered in my ear creepily. I could smell the alcohol in his breath from my ear, it was so bad! "I want you to kill Y/n, Alice..." 

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