A phantom

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I headed up to the Opera House unsuspected by everyone. I hid in the shadows, and now I realized how fun it must have been for Erik all of these years, scaring ballet rats. Weirdly, everyone know something I don't, and everyone was gathered in the kitchen for some odd reason. I followed, and had no idea what to expect. When I got there, I heard two voices speaking to the crowd. I couldn't see from my hiding spot, so I climbed a rope like a ninja, all the way up to the sand bags. There, I looked down to see two faces I shouldn't have. Raoul and Christine. They had the fakest tears in their eyes and I heard and saw what they were talking about. "She was such a good friend, y/n was" Christine sobbed dramatically. "That little bit-" I mumbled, but was cut off by Raoul. "She tried to kill herself, but Christine stepped in front of her.." he held christine trying to "calm her down" "y/n got so upset that she wasn't dead, she shot christine!" He lied convincingly. I had enough, so I jumped from my hiding spot, to in front of Christine and Raoul. I did an amazing superhero landing, and everyone stood in awe. Weirdly, I felt no pain on my knee. Everyone was silent, as they stared at me. I smirked evilly, and glared at the innocent crowd.

"WHy So sIlEnT?" I giggled rudely. They still stood speechless. I rolled my eyes, and walked closer to the cynical couple. I was inches away from christine, until I heard something from the crowd, maybe a cough. I then remembered what I was here for. I could tell Christine was at the verge of tears. I laughed maniacally, and took out my gun. I then began walking around the group, studying them, until I heard someone speak. "Why are you here?" someone chirped, scared. I smiled sincerely, and replied: "I'm dead. And I want to claim what is MINE." I heard shrieks from the crowd, which made me laugh even more. I stopped walking, and turned my head to christine and raoul slowly. "These people have been blinding you.." I stated. "You could never get rid of me Christine, even if you KILL ME" I yelled at her. CHristine was now crying her eyes out, and Raoul was still frozen in fear. "You may notice, I do not look like someone you might've known, but you will remember me. I was one of your own..." I sighed. People looked at each other and began to whisper and try and figure out who I am. The noise got on my nerves, so I screeched: "ENOUGH!" Everyone was now as still as a stick. I then turned to christine, I pointed my gun at her, and shot one leg, and her other shoulder. "The Phantom of the opera is back bitches."


"Erik!" Alice called from the porch. "COming!" I sang. I quickly walked to the porch to see Alice sipping her tea, and looking off into the corn fields. "Sit" she demanded nicely. I did as she said, and sat right next to her, with a concerned look on my face. "Yes?" I questioned. Alice sighed, and turned to me with a disappointed look on her face. "You know how my father got you out of the Opera house when you got shot by that terrible man?" She reminded me. I nodded blankly. "Well...I.. I haven't told you the complete truth, darling.." She mumbled. I stayed silent, now with a very worried look on my face. "What are yo-" I tried to say, before Alice cut me off. "The girl" she insisted. She then put her hands on her face in shame. "What about her?" I questioned firmly, starting to get angry with her for not telling me the truth. "She wasn't gone.." she whispered "She was sent to Jail for 60 years.... for attempted murder." I could not believe my ears. That did not sound like the old Y/n I remembered. She was kind and loving, she would never do that. Would she? I was lost in my thoughts, wondering how Alice could lie to me, and why y/n was sent to jail. I was then snapped out, by Alice looking at me with puffy cheeks from crying. She was unable to speak, but she mouthed "I'm so sorry." I still loved her, so I immediately forgave her, and brought her into a hug. I felt her hot tears soak into my shirt. Although we were hugging, it didn't feel the same as it always did. It felt empty. Knowing that Y/n could be out there somewhere, and knowing that she is a killer, was overwhelming. Did I still love her? That's nonsense, I love Alice, do I?

I was so confused, so I calmed Alice down and headed out into the town, to think. I now had a mask that makes me look normal, without a flashy white mask. I looked different for sure, but I couldn't have people recognizing me. I grabbed my horse and went off. I stopped by the bookstore by the opera populaire, and tied the horse to the fence. It was weirdly quiet today, and everyone was heading to the Opera House. I shrugged it off, and headed into the store. I smiled when I saw shelves and shelves of books, waiting to be read. A flashback then slapped me in the fAce like a disgusted mother at her bad child.

I watched as she looked through the books. I was only a couple feet away, but she couldn't see me. I sighed at this, and then Y/n noticed my presence. She had wide eyes, and she began to run out the store, and to the park. It was in broad daylight, so I couldn't hide. I decided to walk back to the opera house, but as I looked back, I saw y/n sitting on a bench with a huge smirk on her face. She was different.

I woke up from my flashback, with a strange looking woman staring at me. When I looked at her weirdly, she smiled, and picked up a book from the shelve, still standing by me. "Did you hear?" She asked, chuckling. "Pardon?" I responded confused, not knowing who she was talking to. "About the opera populaire" she continued. "What about it?" I replied blankly, scanning the book in my hands. She put her book back into the wall, and looked at me as if I was stupid. "The Opera ghost, he-er it is back" she added, trying to remember if it was a girl or boy. I could not believe my ears. Someone had the audacity to impersonate a powerful figure? I didn't think so. I slammed my book, and put it back into the bookcases. I thanked the strange lady and went to the opera house, to confront this fake. Nobody was going to ever put the phantom's name in vain.

I strutted away from the crowd with ease, sense I just shot Christine twice, I was left undetected, and my disappearance was unnoticed. I quickly ran to the tunnels, but something felt very strange, as if something was not right. I went with my gut feeling, and turned back to the opera house floors. I needed closure. I came to the front doors of the opera house, waiting for something to happen, just knowing something WOULD happen. I just waited and waited for what seemed like hours, but only were minutes. I was about to leave, but finally, someone came through. It was definitely a man, he had the blackest hair, and he was wearing a nice suit that made him look very VERY attractive, maybe too attractive. He looked angry though. I chuckled at his anger, probably caused by myself, and followed him, through the shadows. I accidentally made a sound, and within a blink of an eye, he almost found me. When he looked up at me, his stare gave me butterflies. He looked familiar though, I just couldn't put my finger on it. He luckily didn't see me, and he just shrugged it off. I followed him until he reached the stage, to see him shocked at the sight of the "innocent" Christine daae. He immediately turned back, and tried to escape. I was definitely not going to let this beautiful human escape so fast, so I dropped a sand bag in front of him. He looked up, but by then, I was in front of him. He was still turned around, but I coughed to get his attention. At that moment wen he faced me, I felt I knew exactly who this beautiful creature was. Erik.

The Devil in heaven {Phantom of the opera x reader}Where stories live. Discover now