Time to shine

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Innocence is overrated really. Oh jeez I sound like a complete lunatic. I'm contradicting every little thing I say nowadays. I'm constantly saying things like, "I'm such a monster. I'm a murderer," and then I go off and say things like "I'm such a great person, I'm always doing the right thing. I'm amazing honestly." What the hell. No wonder Erik probably doesn't love me anymore. I had it coming. At least after all of this time, I can finally be free from my past life, and truly, start a new life, as I intended about four to three years ago.

-Time skip a few weeks-

Erik and I (mostly me), worked very hard every day until the day of the party in goals to finally put and end to the devil himself's life. Now, it is the time to get it done.

I woke up bright and early, before literally anyone else in this opera house. I didn't bother to wake up Erik, because I knew he would just be a drag on my plans this morning. I put on a maid's uniform which I stole from one of them, and made myself as boring as I could possibly be, so I didn't draw any attention to myself. If I wanted this plan to work, I needed everything to go according to plan. I cannot risk going back to jail. I would probably be sentenced to death if anyone figured out what my goals were for today. I needed absolute perfection.

I scooted my way up to the opera house, to my liking, nobody was up to see me. My first chore for today was to sign up for the waiting crew, so I could give Raoul his death drink, myself. It would be a shame if the poison was to be used on someone else.

I finally found the sign up sheet for the jobs of tonight's party. I decided it would be best to sign my fake name on the second line, so nobody would notice that some fake maid signed up before anyone else. That would be an unintelligent move to get caught before I even started. As I picked up the pencil to write my name, I heard the sound of footprints, sickeningly close to me. I swallowed hard. "Time to go back to jail," I thought. I quickly signed my fake name, and turned around to meet the person coming up behind me.

I did not get a good look at the person behind me, but I figured it was one of the new owners. I looked down at my feet.

"What on earth are you doing up this early young lady?," The owner boomed. I was a little scared of being recognized. If he knew who I was, I would either have to kill him, or kidnap him, whichever one came first. I was not about that life anymore, but I must do what I have to do, of course.

I had to think fast. "I could not sleep, I figured that I would start early today to get some extra work done before the party," I cringed.

"Pardon me, madam. I did not mean to startle you. We've been on our toes lately, I thought you were...someone else. I just-We can't have anything going wrong tonight. It is a very important day to bring an audience for our upcoming productions," the man said. He sounded fairly young. I looked up to meet his gaze. He was handsome. He smiled and walked closer. I was strangely drawn to him. I feel like I knew him from somewhere.

"May I ask why you are up at this hour, Monsieur?" I spoke confidently, looking at him straight in the eye.

"Please call me, August." He sighed and began speaking. "I guess I can say the same as to what you are doing. I could not sleep, and I decided it was best to not try and fall asleep again," he explained. "I guess it was a good thing though. If I haven't woken up, I wouldn't have seen you."

Shit he caught me. I just needed to play it cool.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently. I could not allow this guy to know who I am, and go tell everyone where I am, so I needed to know what his intentions were. It seemed as if he was attempting to flirt, but I wasn't exactly sure.

August looked down and smiled. "Well ah- madam, you're very-really beautiful. If it's not too much to ask, I would very much like to get to know you. You seem like a lovely person," he complimented.

"I don't seem like a decent lady just because of my face, right? That would be very shallow. For all you know, I could be a cold-blooded murderer," I giggled.

He walked even closer to me, almost bursting my personal bubble. August held out his hand. "Walk with me," he smiled.

I didn't budge. I stood there, looking at him with an unsure expression.

"Please?," he pled. At the time it didn't seem like he knew who I was, so I decided to be spontaneous for once, and just go along with him, to see where he was going with this. After all, he couldn't hurt me that much anyway, I always carry a blade around with me.

I cautiously put my soft hand in his. His eyes lit up like fireworks. Oh no. He squeezed my hand and slowly started to walk. With my hand in his, I began to walk too, not that I had a choice anyway. Somehow I felt a feeling that had been long gone for a while. It was a sort of wonder and a sense of adventure and adrenaline. Even though I didn't know this man at all, he seemed genuinely nice. Not good, not bad either, just nice. It was honestly endearing. I don't know what came over me, but I felt as if I knew this person for a while, when I just met him.

This was going to throw off my plans big time. Strangely, I knew it would be worth it in the end.

Or at least I think so.

-heyyyy its ya girl. Ok yeah, it been a bit, I know. I'm not even gonna explain why I died. I'm gonna post more often on here. I got myself interested into this story now. I got MOTIVATION (And a whole lotta stress but it's okay) All is good. So anyway I'm back. Thank you so so so so much for sticking with me. I love you all and all of your support! I truly am grateful. This is gonna be great!-

The Devil in heaven {Phantom of the opera x reader}Where stories live. Discover now