A new beginning

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I jolted up from my bed, sweaty, from another nightmare. Ever since then, I kept having the same dream over and over and over again. Knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I got out of the comfy bed, and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. When I walked in, I was welcomed with a slap to the face with smells. So many soaps were laid out on the shelves, and I once again smelled every one until I found the right one. All of the memories floated back into my brain, weirdly, I didn't seem sad. It felt as if that sadness, turned to anger. I couldn't believe some people can put others in living hell for the rest of their life, for the sake of not having to deal with them. It enraged me that they kept getting away with their acts of cruelness. I needed to fix this.

I got out of the shower, and headed back to the bedroom. I opened up the magical wardrobe to see beautiful gowns. I smiled at the sight. I put on a black gown that touched the floor, and it had long sleeves that fit me perfectly. I also put on one of Erik's black cloaks, and walked out of the bedroom. I still had my wedding ring on, but I felt I was forgetting something. I shrugged it off, and walked to the boat. I was about to get on, but I remembered exactly what I was forgetting. If I was going to be the phantom of the opera, I needed one of the most important accessories. A mask. I quickly scampered to one of the desks, and began to find the perfect mask. I tried on each one at least twice, until I decided. I went with a classic white mask, but I tinkered with it to make it more, me. I grabbed some paintbrushes and paint, and began to pain on black roses on the edge of the half-mask. It looked magnificent! I was super proud of my work, and I didn't want to mess it up, so I let it dry for about an hour. During that time, I made myself some breakfast, and read a book. After that, I got my gun, and strapped it to my waist, but it was covered with a cloak, so nobody could see it. I put the hood of the cloak over my head, so the half of my face which wasn't already covered with a mask, concealed. Then, I dashed to the boat, and headed to the opera house, where I shall reign.


"Erik, breakfast is ready" Alice called out. (if that's your name, change it to Rachel or something.) I smiled, and headed downstairs. Ever since the accident, Alice and her father, Fernando, took care of me. When the bullet hit my neck and shoulder, I got knocked out, and they got me out of there. They brought me back to their home, where I now live. Alice told me everything that happened when the time was right, even though it hurt. She told me Y/n was gone, and that I shouldn't bother looking for her, after the incident. Even though I didn't believe her at first, she persuaded me, that it was the truth. I had to reason not to believe her, so I didn't look. It was now 3 years, and I grew very, very close to Alice. I loved her but I couldn't tell if she loved me back. I haven't loved anything like her in a long time. Also very was my true pair. I plan to purpose when we go to the Opera House, to see the new opera, tomorrow. All I needed was her, and only her. A sick thought crawled into my mind. I remembered when I used to love Y/n, and how I only needed her, and how I used to love Christine. When I lost Christine, my world shattered, but when I lost Y/n, I felt, weird. I was sad, yes, but I always had something else to love after her. She saved my life. I couldn't thank her enough. Nobody has saved my life like Alice has. {A/n: oooohh I wanna FEKING SLAP Erik rn}
I skipped to the kitchen to see Alice's long, dirty blonde hair move side to side as she walked around the kitchen. I smiled at the sight of her. "Good morning Alice" I cooed. She turned around, and her cute smile spread across her pale face. "Good morning, Erik" she chirped. She then ran up to me and jumped into my arms. We hugged for what seemed like forever, until she broke it up with a quick peck on my cheek. She blushed, and kept working. Suddenly, another sick thought crept into my mind, Y/n. 'Y/n was gone though. She has been for 3 years. Why am I thinking about her now?' I thought to myself. I remembered watching Y/n cook breakfast every morning, while I set the table, for just the two of us. The memory made a tear shed from my eye. I quickly wiped it away. 'I shouldn't cry over a monster that left me for dead' I thought to myself. "Where's Fernando?" I asked Alice, snapping out of my thoughts. "Dad will be back in a few hours, he didn't tell me where he went though" She replied innocently. I shrugged, and walked up to her, I hugged her from behind, and I rest my chin on her shoulder. Alice sighed, and began putting the fresh toast on the plate, along with bacon. Flashbacks began rushing back into my skull, making me dizzy. I quickly regained my balance, and sat down on the couch, where Alice and I ate together, for the last 3 years. Nothing could ruin this. Tomorrow will be the day I start to live, and nothing can stop that. Or could it?

-=ye thought he was dead? GOT YOUUU! Well, the old Erik really is dead, but he's alive hah. Sorry? love you- DAisY=-

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