Hide n seek

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Well, on the way to the store, which where I was going in the first place, I kept seeing those damn Wanted signs. It was one gloomy day, which worked for me because it helped me stay hidden, so nobody would recognize me.

Was I really worth that much though? I mean 1000000 francs is a lot of money. Why would they want me? I mean, sure, I shot a few people...a few times...and broke out of a prison in which I was sentenced a long time in... but still! WHY ME. There has got to be a worse person me!

I finally arrived to the small store, and I walked in quickly, trying not to draw any attention to myself. I went around the store and picked up everything I needed. Dye, some thick rope, and I found a nice looking Maroon dress that was on sale for 50% off so I got that too. I also grabbed myself some cookies, because why not? I was already there. I placed all of the things on the counter as the store owner counted up the total. I might shoot people, but there is no way in hell I was a freeloader. I waited patiently.

The store owner looked up at me, then continued counting, but then she whipped her head back up to look at me. Shit she recognized me.

"Say, are you the girl on those wanted signs outside? She asked me quietly. I was about to run outta there, but she firmly grabbed my arm, pulling me back.

"Don't worry hun, I was there when the accident happened. What those people did to your loved one was not fair. I would do the same thing... you shouldn't go outside, someone spotted you, and it is swarming with police out there. They're looking for you" she warned me. I don't know where, but I recognized her, and I decided to trust her. I nodded and she began leading to a staircase that led upstairs.

Once we were all the way up, she gave me something different to change into, which included a red dress, some black gloves, and a black hat that covers my face. She told me to stay up here until she said that it is safe to go outside. Before she went back downstairs, I asked her what her name was. Blankly, she said to call her Meg. I knew that name. But I couldn't remember where she was from though. I shrugged it off, and just sat on the couch which was inside.

I was in there for 5 hours. It got boring fast, but a couple times every hour she would come upstairs and keep my company. I got to know Meg. She was a ballet girl at the opera house before the second accident, and I now remembered that we bumped into each other every now and then. In those 5 hours I was up there, we became good friends. She was very kind and I thanked her for letting me hide up here. She replied generously and said that it was really no big deal, and that she got why I am going mad. She suggested I should get out of town for a bit, but I denied that suggestion, and that I was not going to leave this city until those people who made my life living hell for 3 year, suffer like I did. I didn't tell her plans though, because if I  did, I don't know if she would rat me out.

After talking about myself, for what seemed like a lifetime, we got onto the topic of events coming up in town. The opera house party. She cleared up the fact that there would indeed be a party there, and that it would be a masquerade. Perfect.

Eventually the police cleared out, and she suggested for me to get back before they return. She let me keep the outfit I was wearing, so I wouldn't be noticed. She put all of the things I bought earlier, in a bag, and she told me if I needed anything I should come here. I nodded and thanked her. I then headed back to my humble abode underneath the opera house. Today was very eventful.

And now I know where my plan will be set.

As I walked back to my home, i remembered the situation with Erik. I decided it would be best to just wait and see if he does anything that is suspicious, before I just to conclusions. I made a promise to myself that after all of this, I would go back to being my old self, if that was even possible.

I guess we would have to see.

-=yo yo yo doodios, I hope you liked this chapter! I liked writing it! Thank you so much for all of the great comments this book has been getting. I love you guys 🖤 thank you- DAisY=-

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