Beautiful Boy

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"So mademoiselle, would you so kindly give me your name?" August asked politely.
I figured there was little risk in telling him the truth, so I just replied by stating my first name.
He smiled and looked at the floor. He somewhat gasped, which kind of confused me.
He looked back up at me and smiled. "That's a beautiful name," he paused, "The same name of an old friend."
I looked him up and down and noticed that he was actually quite attractive. He was around 6 feet tall, muscular but not super beefy. His hair was chestnut brown and curly, and his eyes were VERY green. This man was a real looker.
He began to look down at his clothes and fixed his hair, "is there something on me?" August asked, concerned. I suppose he caught me staring.
"Oh no no, you're fine aha" I responded.
"Haha hes FINE alright."
August blushed and smiled, "I could say the same thing about you."
I was confused for a split second then it clicked. I said that out loud. Oops!
We continued walking, with no set destination. Talking to him felt to so easy. We talked about our lives, and it seemed like August already knew everything about me. It was nice feeling like someone knows you for once. The loneliness has been exhausting.
I looked at the beautiful boy and something in me changed. I almost didn't want to go through with my plans for later. I felt weirdly connected to him and it seemed that by hurting him, it would hurt me in return.
I ignored that feeling. Erik and I (again, mostly me) have worked so hard, waited so long for this to happen. Revenge needed to happen. I cannot wait for karma to take place. Karma takes too long.
"So i assume you're attending the party tonight?" August inferred.
"Actually I just signed up to work at the party, so technically, yes I'm going to go," I answered.
He stopped and grabbed both of my hands. "How about this, you come with me to the party as my plus one instead?"
I calmly responded, "I really need the money. This job is the only thing keeping me on my feet."
"Don't worry about that. A concept: that'll be your job for the night" he asserted. I looked at him in a disgusted way. His eyes widened and his cheeks turned red. "Oh no I didn't mean it like that- I am so sorry. I don't think you're a prosti- uh... okay how about this, you just come with me to the party buuuuut you still get paid."
This would seriously make my plans much more difficult, BUT it would somewhat help me not get caught. Who would sabotage a party hosted at my date's building? Exactly. Also, he seems super cute and I wouldn't want to make this puppy of a man feel rejected.
I sighed and looked into his big, green eyes. I smiled and agreed to going with him tonight.
His face beamed and grew an adorable grin on his acne-less face. "Meet me here tonight at 9:00," he pulled me close but not too close. Close enough to feel his body heat, but not creepily close.
"Until then, August" I smiled. "I have to get going. I have a few things to care of before tonight."
He made a fake frowny face. "You have to leave so soon?"
I sighed and told him that unfortunately yes, I had to leave so soon. It's not like I lied about having things to do. It didn't matter if he was beautiful, I wasn't going to prioritize the pretty boy over my revenge.
"Yeahhh sadly, but can I meet you here before the party starts?" What the hell am I doing?
August smiled and looked at his feet, "I'd love that," he said shyly.
I giggled and told him that I should get going. He seemed disappointed but he understood. As I was about to turn and walk away, he took my dainty hand and kissed it. He smiled, "Until we meet again, y/n."
I blushed HARD and I tried to keep my butterflies in my stomach from showing through, but it was no use. He knew what he was doing to me.
I kissed his cheek and skipped away before he could say anything.
At that moment I knew he would play an important part of my life from then on, but wether or not his role was good or bad was a mystery.
All I knew for certain was that I had developed warm feelings towards this beautiful stranger, and that I would do so much to keep our relationship positive.
Hopefully my past does not ruin this for me.

The Devil in heaven {Phantom of the opera x reader}Where stories live. Discover now