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My giggles turned to sickening silence. Erik was on the floor, drenched in blood, with Alice's dead body in his arms, as he cried.
"I have a question for you Erik" I stated firmly. "I do not wish to speak to you you monster" he spat back at me. "What the actual fuck did you just say to me? Would you like to end up like that pile of shit you call a girlfriend? I am going to tell you again, I have a question to ask" I threatened him creepily. How even DARE HE call me a monster? He dropped a chandelier on hundreds of innocent people, and I shoot two people and I am a monster. "Did you ever...do you know what, never mind. You answered my question. I snapped out of my thoughts and got back to the situation."Now, I am going to give you 10 seconds to get up from the floor and start leaving far away from here" I ordered. "You pathetic witch, I will not listen to you" he disobeyed. "Oh really?" I replied surprised by his response, and already pissed off. I began to slowly walk towards him in a creepy way, while my head was tilted at an angle that represented 'are you really that stupid'. "I don't look like much, but I am a force to be reckoned with, 'love'. I don't think you get that" I whispered. Erik glared at me, and looked back down at his beloved girlfriend's body. I got so angry, so I ran up to the dead body, and threw her off of Erik's body with one arm. I then grabbed Erik by his neck, and held him up off the ground. "I don't think you understand Erik, you are going to listen to me Erik. You are going to leave now, far far away from here" I spat. After I held him up until he was about to pass out, I finally dropped him like he was a bad of dog poop, like he turned out to be. I stared at him for a while then I walked back to my bedroom, closed the curtains, and headed back into my bed. I heard him go into the boat and row away.

Tears began to pour out of my eyes like waterfalls. I loved Erik so much. He moved on I guess. He said forever, He wanted to marry me. I cried in my bed until my sheets were almost soaked. I remembered the bleeding body of the girl in my house, so I went to go tend to that. I limped to the body to see a piece of paper sticking out from her bra. Me being the snoopy person I am, I go and take it out. It was a note. I carefully began to unfold the letter and try to read it. It was actually in English so I had no problem interpreting it. It read:
It seems you have not remembered my orders, so I decided to remind you hence the reason of the note. You have 1 week to kill Y/n or Erik or I will have to cut your pay. You see, once you start a job, you have to finish it, Alice. One week, Alice. Use it.

              Raoul De Changy.

-=Heeey um yeah sorry this is a shot chapter, I will update soon I promise! I wanted to say I am so thankful for all the comments I've been getting and everything yo. I feel blessed af. Love yeh- DA1sY=-

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