Hah just kidding

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Your pov

"aaaaaAAAALRIGHTY, so, now that you're not dead, and you are going to help me get rid of the PIECE OF TRASH THAT TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME, Raoul, I hope you are ready for the best plan you've ever seen!" I declared, being optimistic due to the fact that I was pretty much miserable for a while now.
I flung everything off the table, and pulled out a huge piece of paper, and some pencils to work with.

"So, you, you crazy little bean, should know what Raoul's prized possessions/weaknesses are, since you pretty much scared him shitless for a while, what do you know?" I asked, starting to form a list of all the ways we could exterminate our big, ugly problem.

Erik looked at me kinda funny and I just sat there, staring him down, waiting for him to answer.

He sighed and began to speak, "I know that he loves Christine, and would do anything for her. I also know that there is an event being planned in the Opera house, a party. We could kill him in front of everyone, so that they will know not to be idiotic over here, and they won't bother us anymore."

I quickly wrote down everything that he said, and with my twisted mind, I also wrote down some things that everyone human would think are creepy or scary.

"Okay, so, on the top of our list, we have Christine for prized possession, Spiders for a fear, and we have an opportunity at the upcoming party that is being planned. It would be likely he will attend, so we have that," I explained optimistically.

He nodded and sat down on a couch nearby. I could tell he was beginning to be uninterested on our planning, which was too bad because I didn't care what he felt, I just knew that the disappointment named Raoul needed to go.

I sighed and stood up from the table, and walked over to Erik who I think was taking a nap now, due to his boredom. Oooooh I got mad, I just survived an attempted murder, and he's sleeping? I don't think so. I stood above him, trying to figure out what to do on my own now, which clearly would be how I got rid of Raoul because Erik decides to be a lazy potato.

A sick smirk crept upon my face as I figured out just what to do. Since Erik obviously wouldn't help me due to his constant lack of motivation, I would attend this party, kill Raoul by poisoning his drink, and then put him on a chair for the rest of the night, so I could watch the worry in everyone's eyes as they realize they partied and didn't notice a dead person was sitting there for hours without anyone noticing. Oh my gosh I loved being the bad guy.

Raoul made my life living hell, and I couldn't take it anymore. There was o way I would let him win. Not again.

I walked back over to the table, being careful not to trip on anything on the floor, and scribbled down some extra details I needed to prepare this assassination. This was going to be fun!

I needed to go out and get some things I needed for my plan, like rope maybe, a nice dress, some dye. The usual I guess. I quietly grabbed my long black cloak and headed out with Erik still knocked out on my couch. He needs to go to bed earlier. After this stunt, I realized that Erik and I would probably not stick together, and would just go our own different ways. That would be the easiest thing to do anyway.

At least for me it was.

I brushed off these thoughts and continued to construct my plan, and think of every possible outcome of this situation. I also made a very long list of all the things I needed, and what I could get at the local shop. There was no way in hell I would go out of town for one trashy dude. He wasn't that deserving of my time.

It would be more convenient if he just jumped off a cliff, but I guess you can't get everything you want.

After a while of traveling through the tunnels of the opera house, I finally got out. I put my hood on so nobody could see who I was, or recognize me. I walked about my day, minding my own business until I see a sign with my face on it. I immediately stopped what I was doing to study the sign, and to my surprise, it wasn't a sign saying how grateful everyone is that I exist, or a thank you sign to appreciate myself for my awesomeness. Over my head, it has bold letters that read:


The prize for whoever finds me was 100000 francs.

Woah I guess I'm worth something huh?


Then a thought hit me like a flash, Erik just decided to bippity boppity boo himself into my life even after I killed his girlfriend, for no apparent reason, only because of his hatred towards Raoul?
Sound suspicious?
Maybe it's because he's trying to rat me out, get all of that money to buy him another girlfriend.

I was pissed, I felt betrayed AGAIN DAMMIT, and I now knew I had to exterminate two pests now. I really just wanted to take a damn nap, but guess I can't have nice things. I can't even trust one person anymore.

Why does this all happen to me?

-=Hey guys, it's been a while huh? Yeah I know. I just wanted to say that I really am sorry for leaving this story for a loooong time. I just had no idea where this book was going and I got interested in other things and tv shows. I lost interest for a while and I didn't want to write this book anymore. I am so very sorry if this chapter sucked ass big time, it's been a while since I wrote anything, anyway love you all and thAnk you so much for reading this excuse of a book, I appreciate it deeply, I'll try and update MOre=-

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