Yeppity yep

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I shuffled through the many tunnels of the opera house, trying to get back into the lair as fast as I could. I needed to know if Erik did anything suspicious while I was gone. Not that I'm expecting anything, but you know, after you are parted from someone you knew for three years, and one day finding out that they have a completely new life, you have to look out for yourself.

Finally, after a while of dodging traps, I finally arrived at my home. I quickly stepped onto the boat, humming row row row your boat quietly to myself as I paddle all the way through the foggy water. Once I stepped off, I looked over to where Erik was sleeping before I left, but to my surprise, he wasn't there. I quietly made my way up the steps, to the kitchen.

As I stepped into the kitchen, the wonderful smell of quesadillas filled my lungs.

"Hey, E., what ya making?" I asked, clearly already knowing what he was making, I just wanted to hear him say it.

He quickly turned around, for me to see him wearing my apron that I used to wear before I got lazy and said screw it. He flashed me a toothy smile. "I'm making lunch, since I pretty much passed out on the couch, while you were so patiently planning a very...unique stunt, to get the well deserved revenge on someone who got lucky and made it this far in life" Erik kindly replied.

I lowkey blushed, and looked at my feet. "Ya know, you didn't have to do that..I could've made us some food..." I added genuinely.

Without looking away from the pan, he answered back kindly, "no, I wanted to contribute to your expertly planned revenge, and this is how I felt I should start. I mean, it's the least I could do hun."

My stomach out of nowhere decided to be inhabited by butterflies with knives and explosives, and my face grew a sunburn all by itself. Luckily my hat was still on, or else it would've been awkward for the both of us, seeing myself so red. 'He called me hun' I kept repeating to myself in my head.

I began setting the table, like how we used to before we were separated for 3 years. For a moment it felt like nothing changed, except everything changed. Nothing would be the same. I did some terrible things, because my own emotions got the best of me. I don't think anyone could forgive me for that, but surprisingly, Erik did. Although, due to his past I could assume he felt the same way as I do right now, but I did horrible things to him. Not just a group of people. Him personally, with Alice. I not only slapped her the first time we met, but I also killed her. I killed something Erik loved dearly, for heaven's sake, she was his fiancée! I did it out of my own jealousy, although I should've just wanted Erik to be happy.

What happened to me?

I used to be a kind, loving, strong woman, but now I truly believe I am a paranoid, jealous, bitchy person generally. I shrugged mentally and continued doing what I was doing before. 

Time passed as it usually did, discussing plan, getting off topic, the same old. I'm not going to lie, I missed my old self, and how life used to be. I was innocent back then. 

Too innocent. 

If only there was a way to un-do everything that has happened. 

-Hey Demons, it's ya girl, yep, back at it again with this thing I call a chapter. I'm not even going to try and give some lame excuse as to why I haven't updated in quite a bit. Anyway, so I decided that I want to end this book soon, due to my lack of interest of the subject, and i'm just bored really. Don't worry guys, you'll get some chapters before I call it donezo on this whole thing. I appreciate you all for taking the time out of your days to read my books, and you comment n stuff, which is hella nice of you guys. I love you alllllllllll-

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