Diddly darn

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"I mean, I'm hungry and it doesn't mean I really care about you being hungry or anything...I don't want you staring at my food while I eat it.."  I added. Erik smiled and nodded. i glared at him and started to cook some quesadillas and pancakes. I was surprised Erik came to ME so I wouldn't have to go along with my plan. At least I got half of my plan right! I gave him the slapping of his life, and i'm currently making him food. I felt that since I didn't get to kidnap him, I should be mean for a little bit. I mean, he told me he believed another woman and listened to her lies, instead for at least getting better, and
then..at least tried to look for me. Whatever he's here now, and he will stay here, I mean, he IS my fiancé.

"Y/n" Erik call out softly in his deep voice. "Yeh?" I responded, still concentrating on my cooking. "Where have you been..these three years.. since we were parted?" He cringed, not knowing if I would blow up or not. I turned around slowly, looking at him with a blank face. "I've been great" I replied sarcastically "oooooh yeah it was amazing actually. Best years of my life. Prison was fun!" Erik turned paler than a ghost. "Prison" he whispered to himself, probably taking in all of this information. "Yeah! You know, you Learn to escape, I mean that's what I did. Hah attempted murder" I laughed again, sarcastically of course. I put a plate in front of Erik so he can enjoy my food once more. "Well, it took me about two years to figure it out, but it was okay I guess" I added. I also grabbed a plate and plopped right in front of Erik. I stared at the hand marks on his face. Even though his hair was ruffled up from being tackled, and half of his face that was not covered by his mask was very red, he still managed to look so cute. The sight gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling I haven't felt in a while. Suddenly, that feeling was burned and replaced with the sickening sense of coldness. (Hee hee that rhymed) I felt this way for years now and I realized I took that little time that I felt the warm and fuzzy feeling every day with Erik for granted. I was not going to let him slip away again.

"But it's okay now because you are here and we're together. Oh yeah! Sorry for acting crazy yesterday...I was overwhelmed. It was pretty much y first day out of...prison...hah and yeah..." I apologized, starting to try to make Erik fall in love with me again. Erik stayed silent ever since I mentioned prison. I realized that was a mistake, but mistakes are in the past and I can't do anything to change that. "Erik?" I spoke softly. "Hm" he glanced over to me and gave me his full attention. I guess he was just asleep before. "Do you love her?" I asked, ready for any answer. Erik sighed and put his head in his hands. "I don't even know to be honest...she lied to me" he mumbled through his hands. I took his plate of of the way and put it in the sink. Knowing I will not get any more information out of him, I stormed out of the kitchen and into my bedroom to get changed.

I opened my wardrobe to see the other dresses that were just my size. I was just gazing at the beautiful gowns as I hear rustling from behind a desk. I grabbed my gun from my thigh and held it out, ready to fire. I slowly walked towards the sound, and I stopped when I got to it. I kicked the chest back and a girlish screamed cane from it behind it. I was furious so I threw the chest to the side and I found nothing other than Erik's lousy girlfriend. I dragged her by her hair all the way to the river from my bedroom. I ignored her screams like the ruthless person I became.

When we got to the river, I let go of her hair, and aimed my gun at her head. "What the actual... HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU SMELLY PIRATE HOOKER?" I screamed at the girl. She trespassed MY LAIR (*cough cough* SWEMP) and decided to stalk me as I changed. "I-I-I just um..its a funny story..I uh" she stuttered, obviously trying to make up a believable story. I began to laugh. My insane self thought that it was the funniest thing that this girl was scared out of her mind. Probably out of reflex, she began to nervously laugh as well, and I didn't like that. I immediately stopped laughing, and I then put my gun aimed at her head. Suddenly, the girl started to scream.

"What's going on? What the...ALICE?" Erik came running down to help her. I had enough, so I pulled the trigger. Alice was dead. Erik rushed over to the dead body. "Y/N! HOW COULD YOU?!" He screeched "I LOVED HER!" I then began to giggle again. What was happening to me? "Then you can join her"

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