10 || The Café

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~ This chapter is dedicated to foodismypromdate for being such an awesome person and for taking the time to read my story. (Check her out, she be cool). Thanks so much. Your comments on my last chapter got me through the day.

The gym is packed. All the bleachers are filled with staff and students laughing and starting to get excited about the game. On the court, the Lancers are warming up. They're taking turns taking jump shots at the net to the right of the gym. Josh slaps Todd encouragingly on the back after he misses a shot.

Like the rest of the team, both of them are wearing black tights under their shorts and long-sleeved shirts below their jerseys. Opposite to them, a team dressed in orange is running drills. The Hornets, I think. I drag my gaze across the large room, looking for a place to sit. Tamara had left early, saying something about a doctor's appointment. I am alone. The packed gym is the last place I want to be but I had promised Todd that I would be here.

"Audrey!" someone yells. It's Cynthia waving me over from the top of one of the bleachers. I frown, considering my options. Should I just sit at a random spot, pretending that I didn't see her? Or should I make an effort to be nice to Cynthia? Hesitantly I climb the bleachers, whispering apologies to people who shoot me angry looks.

"Hi," I say when I reach Cynthia. Beside her, Aditi jumps up and down as Josh runs across the court with the basketball. Her face is painted with the school colors, black and red. She's also holding two posters, one with the number 2 and another with a 5. Aditi pulls me beside her and I fall into a seat. Blake is nowhere to be seen. I wonder if he is also on the basketball team.

"I'm so excited for this game," Aditi squeals. "I've been thinking about it for days."

"Yeah, Aditi a huge basketball fan," Cynthia says with an eye roll. "It gets pretty annoying during basketball season because Todd and Josh are both on the team." She flips her hair over her shoulder and leans over to look at me. "Do you play any sports?" Why is she being so nice?

"Um, soccer?" I offer, not really sure whether Cynthia is being genuine.

"Cool. I used to be a cheerleader." She points a slender finger to the edge of the court, where a group of girls are stretching. "I quit after the girls dropped me last year." A pretty red-head catches Cynthia pointing and waves up at her. She waves back with a radiant smile.

"I'm sorry about that," I say honestly. Even if Cynthia is clearly a sour person and loves to antagonize people, I wouldn't want her to get hurt. She opens her mouth to say something but then Aditi lets out a small scream, pulling Cynthia's arm and then mine.

"Guys, it's starting!" The lights turn off and dramatic music starts to play. A senior announces the Lancers one at a time. When Todd and Josh stand up, a serious look stretched across their faces, Aditi goes crazy, along with the rest of the crowd. I find myself cheering softly. A fluttery feeling spreads through me at the energy of the room.

The whistle blows and the music dies down. Within a few minutes, it's obvious that the Hornets are no match for the Lancers. I realize that Josh is good. Really good. He takes the first few shots for the team, pumping his fists at the crowd after he scores. Todd is good but he isn't quick on his feet like Josh. He fumbles the ball a few times and gets a penalty for shoving a burly kid.

By halftime, it's 20 to 4, with the Lancers in the lead. The cheerleaders come into the center of the court for the halftime show. "Hey, I really want some popcorn," Cynthia sighs, leaning over to look at me. "Audrey, can you get some for me?" I look around the gym. Nobody is eating popcorn except for the couple in front of us.

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