41 || Secrets

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"Your driving is much better now," I note, adding shading to my drawing. It's not my best but Blake seems to like it. We're winding through the busy streets of Toronto on our way to Blake's house.

We were supposed to have breakfast at his house but got a little distracted at my aunt's place. There had been two distractions to be exact, who go by Theo and Mary. They insisted we played with them, a game which consisted of Blake chasing us around the apartment.

"Well, I do have precious cargo with me," he throws back with a wink. A cheesy line but my heart still skips a beat.

"Don't make this weird, Cookie Monster." Rolling my eyes, I try to focus on my drawing but fail in doing so. Being like this with Blake is exhilarating. My fingers twitch to reach out to him.

I don't have to because he wraps his hand around mine. A fire spreads from my hand to my arm. "You're so adorable. And what are you talking about. My driving has always been great." He glances at me and then grins.

The car swerves slightly and someone honks their horn at us as I brace for impact, pulling my hand away from Blake. "Eyes on the road," I say, trying to ignore the fact that we almost crashed.

"Kind of hard to do when you're sitting next to me." He coughs and my entire body feels as if it's hurdling through space.

Blake can be smooth but also super corny. Suddenly the car feels too small. Our proximity causes my head to spin and for the first time in my life, I'm afraid of myself.

I sit on my hands and stare out the window. Blake turns up the radio and we both go quiet. For these brief moments, all I experience is bliss and it's easy to forget about everything.

We park and ride the elevator up to the fourth floor, sneaking in a few kisses. The door to Blake's apartment is opened by his sister who is elated to see us.

Just like the first day we met, she encircles her arms around my legs. "I'm so happy to meet you," she explains, pulling me to a coffee table where there is plastic playset neatly laid out. No one has ever been so excited to see me and the eagerness warms my heart.

She sits and pulls me down with her. "I'm making cake. Do you want to help me?" Emma holds out dark colored playdough, giving me a toothy grin. Unlike her brother, her hair is brown and her features are softer. The greatest resemblance would have to be their eyes, a gorgeous deep brown.

"I would love to help!" I let out an exaggerated gasp. "Can we make chocolate? That's my favorite!"

"Really?" She cocks her head, sitting up on her knees. "That's my favorite too!"

"You're going to leave your brother hanging?" Blake asks, still at the door wearing a baffled expression. He steps out of his shoes as Emma barrels into him.

She soon returns to me and practically screams when I hand over the drawing. It's of a unicorn galloping through space. Blake told me that his sister loves these two things unconditionally, probably more than him.

Emma throws her arms around me and, rushing to show her brother and then her grandma. "She's really excited to meet you," Blake says, dropping onto the couch.

"She's adorable and has the same eyes as you." Bringing my knees up to my chin, I look around. Though the apartment is small, there is a coziness and homely feel to it. Walls are plastered with pictures of Blake and Emma. Mismatched furniture is scattered across the living room, resembling an auction of sorts. But it's home for Emma and Blake.

He's on his phone now, his face pinched in concentration. Emma runs out of her grandma's room and plops down beside me.

"Grandma says she loves it!" She turns to face her brother. "She wants to speak with you."

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