18 || Iced Tea and Blog Talks

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After Gym class I am surprised by a text from Cynthia, instructing me to meet her and Blake at Smith's after school. My resume is still sitting at home so I would have to make a trip back to the apartment to grab it.

Slamming my locker shut, I shoot a quick text to my aunt, asking her if she would be able to drop my resume off at Smith's for me. Although, I'm not so sure if I want to work at Smith anymore, especially alongside Blake. I also don't want to go back on my word either. If you would call it that.

The walk to the café is lonely and quiet, which allows me to think about Tamara. There is just something about the whole situation that is bugging me. Maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut and left the past alone. I realize that I am so bad at doing that. That leads me to think about my mom and her family, how she had kept her past a secret. "I wish you were still here right now, Mom," I say to myself, tugging on my necklace out of habit. My voice is scratchy and too loud. A woman gives me a funny look as I walk past her.

The cold sinks deeper into my skin and I jog the last few steps to the café, the laptop in my bag slowing me down. The same raggedy man that was standing in front of the cafe the last time I was here is hunched near the door. There is a Tim Horton's cup in his hands. Smiling, I pull out a five-dollar bill and drop it into the cup. His eyes light up with recognition but he doesn't say anything. He just nods his head.

When I push open the door to the café, I pause, closing my eyes to breath in the wonderful scent of coffee. Something tugs at my heart. Bliss. I feel happy being here. It's at that moment that I decide I like the café. Opening my eyes, I scan the place and am taken aback by the amount of Lakewood students here, occupying almost every seat, talking and laughing easily with each other. How did they even get here so fast? School literally ended less than an hour ago.

Smith is nowhere to be seen but behind the bar. Several students, including Blake, are rushing around, making drinks and yelling out names. Blake is preoccupied with a woman who seems irritated, her arms flaying and spit flying out of her mouth. He is trying his best to remain calm, but his eyes are full of irritation.

He hadn't been in class today and I didn't see him during lunch either. Not wanting to bother him, I find an empty seat at the back of the café and pull out my laptop. Last night I was working on a blog post for Life of Pi.

It isn't long before I become engrossed in my blog, typing away excitedly on my laptop, despite not entirely enjoying the book. Writing the review is relaxing. For a moment, I forget where I am and almost miss Blake who takes a seat across me. He focuses his tired eyes on me. "Hey," he mumbles. I nod my head and click save before closing my laptop.

"Hey," I respond, looking around the room so I don't have to see the small bruise below Blake's eye.

"I think it's going to be a while before Cynthia shows up," he says finally after a minute of silence. "What are you up to?" he asks, pointing at my laptop.

"Nothing much," I say, shrugging my shoulders. It's not that I am mad at Blake because that wouldn't make sense. He didn't do anything wrong but I did have the situation under control. "Just working on some stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" he questions, sitting up and looking at me, a smirk spreading across his face. As usual, it doesn't reach his eyes.

"How come you weren't at school today?" I ask instead, even though I know he won't answer. Blake laughs and glances at a couple on the table beside us.

"I'll answer you if you answer my question," he says, leaning forward slightly and tapping the laptop. It really doesn't matter if I tell him and I am curious about Blake.

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