43 || Revelation

460 18 14

I'm lying flat on the ground with my cheek pressed against cold concrete. There is a bitter taste in my mouth that reminds me of medicine. My entire body is sore and feels as if a car ran over me multiple times. Things are a little foggy at first but pieces start coming back to me. I remember going to Blake's house and getting a call from Todd.

He seemed really upset on the phone and was acting suspicious. Was it his car that drove up to the warehouse? That part is still a little blurry.

Sitting up, my heart pounding, I am shocked to find my hand cuffed to a metal beam. I tug at in vain as I take in my surroundings, a crowded and dark basement. The only window is shattered completely, allowing a chill to seep into the tiny space.

Suddenly, there is someone behind me and my spine lights up in fear. Blake drops in front of me, placing a hand on my mouth and bringing a finger to his lips. I struggle against his grip, tears brimming in my eyes.

"Stop it, Audrey!" he hisses against my ear. "I'm not going to hurt you!" His hair is wet and there are cuts on his hands. "God dammit! I didn't believe it was them. I had my suspicions but never knew for sure."

I manage to pull my face away from him. "What the hell is going on?" He gestures to keep my voice down, turning to look up the set of stairs. "You were there, weren't you?" Hurt, strong and immediate, flashes across his face.

He responds by pulling his sweater off and running a hand across his bicep. "If you're asking whether I killed your mom, I didn't."

Relief spreads through my body and I let out a breath. "I was confused. Your grandma said some things and then I found-"

"Save it for later," he replies coldly. "Right now, we have to get out of here." Blake brings his attention to the cuffs, tugging at it lightly before standing up. He stars rummaging around the tiny basement for something to use while I sit there, feeling guilty and dizzy.

My conversation with Todd surfaces through the haze. "It was Todd," I mumble to myself. Blake nods meekly. "He killed my mom." We both look up the stairs when someone yells, holding our breaths. A whole minute passes by before I am able to speak. "How did you find me?" I ask softly.

"I thought I messed up, said something stupid and lost the best thing in my life. I needed to clear my head so I went to my place." His words sting, fueling the guilt. "Just as I walked up to the warehouse, I saw Todd's car drive past. I also found your phone." Blake slips my phone out from his pocket, flashing it at me before tucking it away.

"We have to call the cops!" Adrenaline is coursing through my veins, knocking me into my senses just as Blake proudly yields a screwdriver.

"Don't you think I thought of that!" His forehead is lined with sweat even though the base basement is cold. "Phone is dead. And calling the cops might not be so helpful in this situation."

I don't have a chance to ask him what he means by that. There is rustling near the door upstairs, causing Blake to freeze and scramble behind a stack of crates. "I'll get us out of here, I promise," he whispers, disappearing behind the shadows.

The door opens and the basement is briefly shrouded with light. My heart pounds as a tall figure dressed in black descends down the stairs. On his head he's wearing a dark woolly ski-mask and in one hand he's balancing a tray of food.

This doesn't feel real, it's almost as if I have been plucked up from Toronto and catapulted back in time to Oakville. It's him, it's the guy who shot my mom. A fit of rage overtakes me and I grab for Todd's head.

"You bastard! I know it's you." Todd takes a step back, losing his footing and spilling the contents of the tray. I lunge for him again but stop in my tracks when he levels a gun at me.

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