22 || Lollipops and Cookies

420 46 63

I'm typing away on my laptop when I hear a knock, so soft that for a second I think that I imagined it. My heart stops for a second. What if today is the day my uncle decides to come home? He hadn't been around for the last few days, at all.

"It's me, man!" a familiar voice whisper-yells. Slowly I tiptoe towards the door and open it slightly. Blake waves down at me, looking guilty.

He's wearing his dark leather jacket and is holding a baseball cap in his hands. His hair is wet and he shakes his head, splashing me with water. "Hey!" I yell before opening the door fully. "What are you doing here?"

He shrugs his shoulders and looks behind me at the stairs. "I came to apologize to Josh for this morning." As he hovers at the door, I become increasingly aware of the fact that I am not wearing a bra, just a ratty old sweatshirt with shorts that reach my calves.

Crossing my arms over my chest I whisper, "It's the middle of the night. Everyone is sleeping." He glances down at me and then looks away quickly, which makes me blush.

"You're not sleeping," he replies, leaning against the doorframe and giving me a smile.

"I don't sleep," I say jokingly.

"I see. You're a night owl," he says as he studies my face. There is shuffling upstairs and I freeze. If it's my aunt, I am going to be in so much trouble and this time it's not even my fault.

"You should go, Blake." I shove him slightly but he doesn't budge.

"Don't worry. It's Josh." Blake waves his phone in front of me before he pockets it.

"What are you doing here so late?" I ask, curious to know what they are up to.

"Told you. I had to apologize." At that, he lifts the hat up in between us. "It's signed by his favorite basketball player. I bought it for his birthday but thought I should give it now." It's so sweet I almost want to say 'awww'. Blake acts tough and angry all the time but the guy is actually not too bad.

"Where is my apology gift?" He's surprised at my comment and leans towards me. The smell of something sweet assaults my nose. It smells like cookies or donuts. Blake grins before pulling a green lollipop out from his pocket and then holds it next to my face.

"It matches your eyes," he mutters before handing it to me. Someone races down the stairs and my eyes widen in horror, again thinking that it might be my aunt. My cousin rushes past us, without even acknowledging his friend. Blake stares at me, his mouth open and eyes wide. "Shit. He's pissed."

Grabbing my jacket, I lock the door behind me as Blake yells out to his friend. "Where is he going?" I ask Blake who shrugs his shoulders before running after Josh.

"We follow him to the elevator. Just as the doors start to close, Josh says, "Don't need you anymore, man. Got another ride to the party." Blake tries to get into the elevator but it's too late. He bangs on the elevator door before hitting the button to go down.

"You never said anything a party. We're grounded after what happened today," I say as Blake starts to pace back and forth.

"I didn't know about the party, Moore." There is a ding and the elevator opens. Blake rushes in with me trailing after him. "You should go home. I will get him."

"No way. Last time he went with you he got really drunk," I snap, getting upset with Josh for ignoring me.

"You were there too, remember?" he says as he places Josh's hat on my head. "Keep that safe, yeah?" After that, he leans against the wall and taps his foot quickly. There is soft music playing in the background but the silence between us is killing me.

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