14 || The Truth

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Tamara is sitting against my locker after school, watching the people scurry past her. Everyone is in a rush to go home and start their weekend. A boy hops over Tamara's outstretched legs and she glares at him. She gives me a wide smile, her eyes lit up brightly. It's almost like she is watching fireworks rather than me approaching. "Hey, Tamara. What's up?" I wave my fingers at her and she scrambles off the floor.

"I've been waiting, for like forever," she whines, pulling her hair into a messy bun. After I shove my gym bag into my locker, I turn to give her a grave look. For gym class, we had gone outside to play soccer on the tiny field behind the school. The gym teacher knew about my injury but still made me play. I am hot and in pain. All I want is to go home and sleep. Maybe read a book or two. But definitely not pierce my ears.

Seeing Tamara's excitement, I decide against protesting the trip to the mall. "I told Josh that I was going to the mall with you. He's going to tell my aunt," I say, aware that she isn't paying attention to me.

"I can't even with that guy. I don't know why you hang out with them. Aditi is alright but the rest of them are idiots." She leans against the locker beside mine, Todd's locker to be exact. I frown at what Tamara says, remembering what Blake had said to me this morning.

"What happened between you guys?" I ask. She doesn't have a chance to respond because someone wraps their arms around me from the back, causing me to gasp loudly.

"Hey Damsel, how are you doing today?" Todd asks in a poor impersonation of a British accent. He releases me, most probably realizing that my body tensed up at his touch.

"I am doing fine Thank you very much," I respond. Todd looks at Tamara expectantly who stares daggers at him. Her arms are crossed and her mouth is an angry scowl.

"What do you want?" she mutters.

"You're standing in front of my locker," he answers with a grin. She shrugs her shoulders, then pushes off the locker and comes to stand beside me.

An idea crosses my mind, one that Tamara will hate me for. It causes my mouth to twitch. "Tamara and I are going to the mall to get my ears pierced. Would you like to come with us?" It would be a great way to prove to Tamara that Josh and his friends aren't so bad, despite whatever happened between them. Cynthia is the exception. She is just as bad as Tamara makes her out to be.

"What!" Tamara screeches.

"I'm not sure if she is okay with it," Todd whispers, pointing a finger at my friend.

"We were going to take the bus. Todd, you have a car, right?" I say, looking at Tamara with my eyebrow raised.

"I am obligated to tell you that I can't legally drive my car. I only have my learner's permit," he says, placing his hand on his heart. "Yeah. I'm a fucking rebel. I know you like that, Tamara." She just rolls her eyes.

"You only have your G1?" I say, frowning slightly.

"Don't worry. I have been driving since I was fourteen," he says, slamming his locker shut and putting on his snapback. He's wearing a baggy sweater and sweats, which makes him look bulkier than he actually is.

"So, you have been breaking the law for the last two years. Yeah, that makes me feel better." I say. Tamara laughs beside me and starts walking towards the exit that leads to the student parking lot.

"You're so thick sometimes, Audrey," Tamara says to me. "He's only sixteen. Obviously, he doesn't have his license yet."

"I can't park there," Todd yells after us. "The school asks to see your license which I don't have."

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