42 || Unreasonable

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The sky tears open and heavy droplets of rain pour down on me. They mix with my tears as a warehouse comes into view. Shivering, I wrap my arms around myself and run for cover near the doors. It's the same warehouse near which Blake once sat tossing bottles.

My phone hasn't stopped buzzing since my departure from Blake's apartment. I just need a couple minutes to collect myself to face the truth. If what I'm thinking is the reality, then my whole world will crumble in an instant.

Almost half an hour passes by before my phone lights up again. It's a text from Todd, asking about famous soccer players. My thumbs hover over my phone but it's hard to recall even one player right now.

I hesitate when he calls me but pick up anyways. Clearing my throat, I manage to croak out a dry greeting. "Yo, Audrey. I need your help."

"What's up?" I wipe my nose.

"So, there's this girl at my gym who loves soccer. Like she is obsessed." He pauses. "I wanted to get her a poster of a famous soccer player. Do you have any recommendations?"

Once again, my brain is a blank state. There is only one name and face coming to mind at the moment. Only one thing that keeps playing over and over like a broken record.

Blake Rider may have killed my mom. Blake Rider may have killed my mom. Blake Rider may have killed my mom.

A whimper escapes my lips. It's soft but Todd doesn't miss it. "Audrey, what's going on? Where are you?" Concern tinges his voice and his tone becomes urgent.

"I'm fine. Just...." My voice cracks and suddenly it all becomes too much. Losing my mom, having to deal with Tamara and my uncle and almost losing Josh. The weight of it all crushes me and I start crying again.

"What the hell is going on? Are you at the hospital? Shit. Did something happen to Josh?" His breathing becomes heavy.

"No, no. Josh is okay." It was a mistake picking up the phone.

"Where are you?" For a minute, there is silence between us. The only sound between us is my sniffling and the soft pitter-patter of the rain. Todd is giving me some time to collect my thoughts. "Tell me where you are," he demands.

"I'm fine. I really am."

"You helped me quit smoking, did you know that?" A short confession but it shows his vulnerability and honesty. "You helped me. Now, let me help you."

I tell him about tonight. Todd remains quiet for the most part, only asking for clarifications here and there. At the end, he has gone completely silent. I'm afraid that he's no longer there and I'm alone with my thoughts once again.

"I love him so much that hurts," I whisper, shutting my eyes and pressing my forehead against the cool door. "Oh god. Please don't let it be true."

"It's not true," he states. My stomach jumps up to my throat and I swallow it down. Todd sounds strangely sure. He clears his throat before continuing. "I've known Blake my entire life and he would never do something like this."

"But what if it is true? What will I do then?"

"You're being unreasonable. The chances of Blake being the killer are really low. In fact, the chances of the killer being near you is low, period." He sounds irritated and angry.

"I'm coming to pick you up. You need someone to knock some sense into you." Todd laughs but there a hollow sound to it.

He hangs up on me and I stare down at my phone, slightly confused and feeling worse than before. The battery is at 2% and it would be any minute now before my phone shuts down. A feeling of dread settles at the pit of my stomach when the screen goes blank.

Something isn't adding up. There was fear mixed with anger in Todd's tone. He knows something about what happened that day. Either that or he's covering for Blake.

Within minutes, a black car pulls up in front of me and two figures step out. Their hoods are pulled low over their faces. I flail my arms and scream but it's no use. When they press a rag against my face, my limbs go slack and the world becomes silent.

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