11 || Dollhouse

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I bob my head to the music as I skim through my resume. All of my work experience consists of volunteering, all of which I had done with Emily. Sighing, I finish up and pull my sketchbook out from behind my pillow. After I got back from the café with Blake, my aunt picked me up from school because Josh wanted to celebrate the win with the team. Now Josh is in his room, listening to music and doing homework.

Grabbing my sketchbook and laptop, I walk across the hallway to Josh's room. Knocking I say, "Josh?" He looks up from his textbook, an annoyed look on his face. "Oh. I'm sorry. I can come back later." I'm about to leave when Josh flings his textbook to the side and slides off his bed.

"Hold up, Audrey. I was just studying for a stupid math test," he says. The excitement from today's win hasn't worn off yet, making Josh jittery. His hair is wet and he's wearing a pair of shorts with his Karate is Life t-shirt. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah, actually. I was wondering if you could scan this drawing I made," I say gesturing to my sketchbook. "And print my resume." Josh walks to his computer and plops down onto his chair. "I can do it tomorrow if you're busy."

"Nah. Just reviewing over my factoring." He gestures for my laptop and I hand it to him. "Take a seat," he mumbles, pointing at his bed. Josh is my cousin but I still feel nervous about being in his room. I remember feeling the same way when Emily had invited me to her house for the first time.

I sit on the edge of the bed, pulling Josh's textbook onto my lap. "I would help you but I suck at math," I say honestly, looking over the equations and letting out a groan. Numbers swim around across my vision.

"It's fine. You have it next semester, right?" I nod. Josh hands me my resume and holds out his hand for my sketchbook. "Why do you need your resume, anyway?"

"I'm thinking about applying for a job at Smith's," I answer and rip out the drawing of the tattoo, handing it to him.

"Hey, that's where Blake works. He told me he took you there today. How was it?" I smile when I remember Mr. Smith and Laurel.

"It was great. I really like Mr. Smith," I say. Josh fiddles with his printer, tapping his laptop a few times in the process. "I wanted to ask you. Did you tell your friends about what happened in Oakville?"

Josh shakes his head. "Not all of it, just that you are my long-lost cousin who is now living with us. I may have told Blake that your mom died." I nod my head, glad that Blake didn't bring it up at the café. "You actually remember how the tattoo looked like?" Josh asks quietly, studying the drawing, while the printer makes a whirring noise.

"Most of it. I had to fill in the parts I didn't know," I say, looking around Josh's room. His walls are plastered with karate and basketball posters. They're also a few posters of bands I don't recognize. Except for Josh's gym bag, there is nothing out of place in his room. You could drop a quarter on his bed and it would bounce back, despite him sitting on it earlier.

"I hope they catch the asshole that killed your mom. He deserves to go to prison," Josh seethes. I stay quiet. The investigation isn't going well, a fact I know because Glenda hadn't updated me on the case. After we finish up, we head downstairs to see what the twins are up to.

"Isn't Dad supposed to be home by now?" Josh questions his mom when he reaches the bottom of the stairs, peeking out through the front door. I plop down in front of the twins, ruffling Theodore's hair as I do, which makes him giggle and squirm.

My aunt is sitting on the couch, a book in her hands. I try to catch a glimpse of the title but she puts it down to talk to Josh. "Your Dad is going to be late. He's working on a tough case, honey."

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