35 || Zoo

399 35 77

~Shoutout to brokenoreos for being such an awesome reader. Be sure to check out her story, To the Moon and Back.

I'm putting my books into my bag when I feel a tap on my shoulder, gentle and light as a feather. Thinking it's Blake, I grin and turn around to face him.

To my surprise, Carter stands before me, a smile playing at his lips and cleats thrown over his shoulders. In one hand, he holds a math textbook.

"Hey. Have we met before?" he says, leaning against the locker beside mine.

I gulp and pick up my backpack from the floor. The hallways are empty and quiet. All the students have gone home for the evening. I stayed back today to rehearse with Blake and Cynthia. Now I'm regretting telling them to head out without me.

"Yes. I seem to recall you passing out in my friend's arms." He throws his head back and lets out a hearty laugh, which causes his whole body to shake.

"I have to admit, that wasn't one of my brightest moments. Trust me, I usually don't get that high."

"Right." We stare at each other awkwardly for a second before he pushes away from the locker.

"I'm really sorry about that. I can't quite remember what I said to you," he continues, squinting his eyes. "But I do know that it was disrespectful. So, my deepest apologies for that." He shifts the textbook into his other hand. Carter is a senior but he's carrying around a textbook I used in my freshman year.

"Okay." I shrug, still eyeing the textbook. "I guess I accept your apology."

"Oh!" He lifts up the textbook so that it's between us. "If you're wondering, this isn't mine. I tutor some freshman kids after school on Fridays." Carter gives me a smile, causing a dimple to appear on his left cheek. He looks so different from the day at the party; it's almost like another person is standing before me.

"That's actually...nice of you."

"Math is cool." He shrugs his shoulders. His response eases my nerves about being alone with him.

"I guess I should get going. Have a good weekend." I mumble and walk backward, attempting to smile at him. The past couple of months have taught me that it's okay to draw lines to my kindness -there is such a thing as being too nice.

"Hold up. Please don't go yet." I come to a stop and stare at him expectantly. My gaze falls to his cleats and I can't help but notice how wide the shoes are. They're from Zephz. I only know because my best friend back in Oakville is obsessed with them. She has wide feet, or she claims.

"Nice cleats," I say with a smile. Carter steps back and lifts an eyebrow at me.

"You making fun of my wide feet?" he laughs, tapping the shoes.

A chuckle escapes my lips at his expression. "I didn't say anything. I prefer cleats from Adidas. They're durable and the traction is to die for." My mouth clamps shut, realizing that I'm rambling about soccer shoes to a total stranger.

His eyebrows go up at my response. "You play?"

Hiking my bag up higher on my shoulder, I stare at a spot over Carter's head. "I used to. Not anymore."

The last time I played was the day my mom died. It would be a while before I would hit the field again, and that isn't only because of my messed-up leg. Soccer and my mom are so deeply tied together. She bought me my first pair of cleats and came to so many games. When I scored my first goal, she ran onto the field to hug me before the players could.

"Your name was Audrey, right." I nod. "My name is Carter. I'm sure I introduced myself before but I think it would be fitting if I did it again." He bows slightly, making me laugh and roll my eyes. "You shouldn't be afraid to hit the field, you know? The adrenaline rush is to die for." He nudges my shoulder.

"Well. It's nice to meet you." Smiling, I add, "again."

"So, a pretty soccer player like you must have a date to the dance." Carter is a random senior who has displayed some questionable behavior in the past.

His words don't have much of an effect on me. If a certain someone had said that to me, I would have melted. I shake my head wearily. "Psh. I have a hard time believing that you don't have a date."

It took me a while to realize this but there's only one person who I want to ask me. A brown-eyed boy who likes to sing and stare lovingly at cookies. A boy who is loyal and so beautifully broken, like me. But that boy doesn't do dances or relationships, so there's no point in letting my mind or heart wander.

"Please do me the honor of taking you to the dance," he asks, leaning toward me.

I step back and shake my head. "You're a nice guy, Carter. You really are. But I don't really want to go to the dance...with you. I hope that doesn't sound mean. Please forgive me if it does."

"Hey. Don't apologize. It's totally fine. You don't have to go as my date." Leaning against the locker again, he says, "we can go as friends."

"I don't know if that is a good idea."

"Why not, Audrey? You like soccer, I like soccer. We're destined to be friends."

I frown and rub my chin thoughtfully. "Carter...."

"Please? I'm not on good terms with my friends right now." His gaze drops to the floor and his voice becomes softer. "I could really use a friend right now." There is so much sadness there. It tugs at my every being, making me shut my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Fine. I'll go with you." I hold out my hand. "But only as a friend."

Ducking his head, he meets my eyes. His height rivals Josh's. "That's awesome. I'll meet you at the dance at eight."

"Is everything okay here?" Blake grumbles, coming up behind me. I break out into a cold sweat when his fingers graze across my lower back. When Blake is around, I don't just feel butterflies in my stomach, I feel like there is a whole zoo there.

"Hey man," Carter answers with a wave. "Everything is awesome. Audrey and I were just talking."

"Okay," he says, his breath fanning across my neck. It transports me to earlier this week when he was hovering over me under the blanket of stars. I shake my head to clear the thoughts. This is ridicules and a pointless endeavor.

What has gotten into me?

"I'll see you around," Carter says with a wink before turning on his heels.

"What was that about?" Blake asks with a frown, watching the red-head saunter down the hallway.

"Um. I think Carter just asked me out to the dance."

Blake is quiet at first. Finally, he asks, "what did you say?"

"I said yes. We're going as friends," I whisper, wrapping my arms around my shoulders. Suddenly the hallways are not just eerily silent, they are cold as well.

|| Author's Note ||

Soooo sorry for the late update. Exam season hit and then I went on vacation. This was a weird chapter for sure but y'all don't have to worry. Triangles aren't my thing. Trust me, there is a method to my madness.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read this story. I'm trying to give shoutouts to all my readers. If I have missed you, please let me know.

Also, let me know who your favorite character is.

Stay gorgeous. ;)

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