32 || Falling Apart

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~ Shout out to Bookworm2452. Please be sure to check out her work, Something more than just Rymes.

It's pouring outside today. The steady patter of the raindrops against the window ground me as I sift through my belongings. My aunt and I brought back only two boxes from Oakville. Since this morning, I only managed to unpack one of them. I'm proud of myself because I only broke down once. That was when I realized that some of my picture frames had cracked.

A neatly folded sweater sits on the top of the second box. I lift it to my nose and inhale. It smells like her perfume. Aunt Jane packed this box and I'm glad she thought to grab some of my mom's clothes. Below the sweater sits a tiny trunk that I've never seen before. Frowning, I carry it to my bed. It's wooden and about the size of my laptop. I run my thumb across the keyhole and my heart rate quickens.

The key.

Quickly, I push my key into the opening and pull open the chest. There are three pictures inside and a neatly folded piece of paper. The first picture is of my mom with her sister. They have their arms wrapped around each other and are making a funny face at the camera. Dropping it back into the chest, I pick up another one. This one is of my dad, my real dad. I know this because his eyes are green like mine. The final picture is of my mom who is smiling and holding a tiny bundle in her arms.

Tears well up in my eyes as I pick up the paper with shaky hands, knowing all too well what this chest is. These items revealed the truth about her family, something she had kept hidden from me all these years. Her messy handwriting stares back at me when I finally unfold the paper. It's a letter, written almost four years ago.

Dear Audrey,

I don't even know where to start. I guess I should start by saying sorry for lying to you about everything. Baby, I love you so much. I wanted to protect you but I have a feeling that I may have hurt you and I apologize for that.

Audrey, your dad was an amazing guy, one whom I will never forget. Sure, he isn't that hero that you picture him as but he was wonderful. But people change, honey and your father changed. I'm getting ahead of myself.

When I found out I was going to have you, I was overjoyed. I was ready. But my parents weren't, your grandparents became so bitter towards me. I got tired of the disapproving looks from everyone, including my sister and her boyfriend. God, I hated her boyfriend. So, I left. I asked your dad to come with me but he said he couldn't do it; he couldn't be there. Baby, that's when I lost trust in people. For a while, I was lost but then I felt you kicking inside of me and I realized that I wasn't going to give up, not yet. I found a place in Oakville and that was it, I was ready to take on the world without no help.

Your dad was a good man but trust is a fragile thing and he broke it when he said that he wasn't ready. No matter what I tell you, you're so quick to trust, so fast. I love that about you and I never want that to change. Just please be careful with your heart, honey and don't let anyone push you around. Ever.

I hope you can forgive me.

Love you always, your mom.

My cheeks are wet with tears. I run my fingers across her words and let out a sigh. My mom must have planned to give me the chest after telling me the truth. I wonder where she kept this for so many years. Ever since I found about my family, I couldn't help but feel heartbroken. Seeing my mom's familiar handwriting and reading her words eases the ache in my heart. The anger I was holding onto dissipates slightly.

Just as I'm about to go downstairs to ask my aunt about the chest, there is a loud crash. My heart rams dangerously against my ribs and my hands start sweating when I hear the shouting. Putting the chest aside, I tiptoe out into the hallway and peak over the banister. Josh is sitting on the couch with his head in hands while my uncle stands over him. "This is not how I raised you!" he yells. He throws his arms into the air in frustration before giving the coffee table a hard kick.

"Peter! Please just hear what he has to say," my aunt whimpers, taking a seat beside Josh. My younger cousins are in their rooms. That makes me glad because they don't have to witness the scene unfolding down below.

Josh snorts before trailing his fingers over his bald head. "Because he's really good at that, right mom?" Hesitantly, I creep down the stairs but come to a stop when Josh's dad slams his fist against the wall.

"I work all damn day and come home to have my kid talk shit to me. You want to be different, go do it somewhere else. If you're living under my roof, you adhere to my rules. If not, you're welcome to leave anytime, son." A chill runs down my back. He knows about Josh. He knows about Gabriel. He knows everything.

My cousin abruptly gets up from the couch, his hands folding into fists and eyes bloodshot. "I hate you so damn much." His mother gasps beside him before gripping onto his arm. The walls are closing in, everything is falling apart before my eyes. I feel so helpless. Fear keeps me glued to the top of the stairs.

"No, Mom. He has to hear this. You're a shit dad. You don't care about me or the twins. You're never home and when you are, you're always giving everyone hell." My aunt tugs his arm but he pulls away and advances toward his dad. Josh towers over him. I realize that Josh could easily take him on if they were to fight. "Are you working to live or living to work?" he whispers, a calmness settling over his features. With that, he turns around and is out the door before his mom can stop him.

A dumbfounded look is plastered across my uncle's face. He swears and drags his hand across his face before giving the table another kick. Shutting my eyes, I press my body against the wall as he barrels past me. My aunt collapses onto the couch while soft sobs cause her body to tremble.

|| Author's Note ||

Hey guys. Sorry for the short chapter. I am in the middle of midterms right now and am literally writing this at school. Please let me know your thoughts. :)

Thanks again for reading and stay awesome.

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