38 || When I'm With You

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~ Shout out to iconicIRL for reading Explosive not once but twice. Please be sure to check this awesome human out.

The sun hangs low in the horizon. A soft breeze plays with the ends of my hair. Sighing, I rub my hands over my arms. I'm sitting on a bench near my high school, waiting for Carter.

"Boo!" someone says behind me. I jump and whirl around. Cynthia sits beside me, giving me a sly smile while Todd straddles the bench.

"You scared me," I mumble, shaking my head at them. They both are dressed in their best. Cynthia is in a pale pink dress while Todd is wearing a black button down. With his hair slicked back and face shaven, he's unrecognizable.

"Who are you waiting for, Damsel?" Todd asks.

"She's waiting for Blake," Cynthia states, wiggling her eyebrows slightly.

I roll my eyes but decide not to say anything, letting them continue their bickering. Blake made it very clear that he hated dances. It would be shocking if he dropped by today.

"Blake Rider?" Todd questions, tipping his head to the side. I can't help but marvel at his resemblance to Detective Miller. Thoughts of Detective Miller cause a chill to run down my spine.

I wish he or Detective Glenda would call with some good news. Any news on the case would calm my nerves at this point. Months have passed and still nothing.

"Yeah. Our Blake, you idiot!"

"Oh," Todd replies. He falls silent for a few seconds. "Ohhh." Suddenly Cynthia jumps up from the bench and pulls Todd inside, who flashes me a smile and gives me a thumbs up.

I roll my eyes at their dorkiness.

I don't bother telling them that I'm actually waiting for someone else. But I doubt Carter is going to be showing up anytime soon. The dance started almost an hour ago. If he wanted to make an appearance, he would have done so already.

A car horn shakes me from my runaway thoughts. With a wide grin spread across his face, Blake hops out from his truck. He's wearing a sky-blue sweater, which is different from his usual attire. Smiling, I silently shift over to make room for him.

"How you doing?" he asks, tilting his head slightly. Suddenly, I'm back at the wedding, dancing the night away with Blake and giggling at something he said.

Sweaty palms and beating heart. When I'm with Blake, the world around me fades away and it's just the two of us. Two broken people against the world.

Clearing my throat, I try to remain calm. "Nothing much. Just waiting for Carter."

Blake's smile falls away for a split second but then he recovers. "And he didn't show?"

"No. He didn't." I stay quiet, choosing to stare at the darkening sky rather than him. His intense stare bores into me and I squirm under it.

Suddenly he's on his feet, standing before me with bright eyes. "You know what?"


"Carter is an idiot," he states, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Really? And why do you say that."

He leans forward so that he's inches away from my face. "He's an idiot for making such a pretty girl wait."

There goes my heart.

My cheeks burn as I drop my head, my hair forming a curtain around my face. How does one respond to something like that?

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