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I swing back and forth on the swing, closing my eyes at the sound of the traffic below me and jumping when someone lets out a shout. The textbook feels heavy on my lap and I put it beside me, sighing deeply. Tomorrow is my first Biology test for the year and I can't help but feel nervous about it. It's important I do well on it because I'm hoping for early acceptance to university next year. Which university that would be, I'm not sure yet.

A strong wind plays with my hair and I bury myself in the blanket I had grabbed from the closet in the hallway. The light that is mounted above the swing goes out and I hold my breath, thinking that it might be my uncle. My heart rate quickens at the thought. Darkness engulfs me, even the city lights appear to be dim.

Blake steps out from the balcony doors, walking past me and coming to a stop at the railing. He breathes in, closes his eyes and tilts his head back. He's not wearing a beanie today and the wind ruffles his hair. "What's up, Blake?" In a heartbeat he turns around, pressing his hand to his chest he says, "Moore. Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me," I answer, smiling at his reaction.

"You scared the shit out of me," he says, adjusting his sweater. Squinting his dark eyes, he says, "what are you even doing out here? It's really cold."

I hold up my textbook. "Studying for a test."

"It's late. You should be sleeping," he mumbles, turning away from me.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping? What are you doing here?" I push the blanket off me, slip on my shoes and go to stand beside him. He places his elbows on the railing and leans forward.

"Josh said he needed to talk to someone," he says softly. It's late on a Sunday and Blake probably had work today. From the bags under his eyes and his quiet voice, it's obvious that he's tired. Despite all that he's here.

"And you came," I whisper.

"And I came," he echoes.

"Is Josh okay?" I ask, watching the bustling city below us. The sight makes me dizzy and I have to step back. Even if we're on the sixth floor, I feel anxious about the height.

"He's fine. The idiot just wanted to play video games with someone." I laugh and he tips his head to the side to look at me. My hair is up in a bun and his eyes easily zero in on my ears.

"You got your ears pierced," he states. I nod my head. "They look cool."

"Thanks," I respond, thinking about the resume that is still sitting on my dressing table. Working at a coffee shop might be fun but I am not entirely sure if my leg could handle it.

A silence falls between us and my thoughts wander to what Todd had told me about Blake. That fight almost destroyed the friendship between him and Josh. Not to mention the fact that it involved an innocent person, someone who didn't deserve the pain he had to endure. I clench my fists.

"Are you okay?" Blake asks.

"Why did you beat up Tamara's brother?" The words are out of my mouth before I can stop myself. Blake frowns and bites his lips at the memory. His reaction makes me feel bad for bringing up something that happened so long ago. Why I even care, baffles me.

Blake shifts his body and lets out a small sigh. "She told you, then?"

"Todd told me about it, actually." He stays where he is while I step back from the railing, the dizziness getting to me. Heights scare me. That was one of the reasons why my mom bought an apartment on the second floor. The other reason was the fact that the rent was lower.

"It was just a stupid fight that happened a long time ago." Blake remains quiet for a long time and I think he's not going to say more. It is unfair of me to expect him to talk.

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