"Do You Like Me?"

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Chapter 06
The only way I got was to check him out if he has bellybutton or not. Maybe that was the time to reveal the secrets? I remember Jake's expression when he was trying to convince me that it was just a local story. He seemed awfully mad!
I didn't want to lose this time, I got up from the bed softly, tip toed to his room. The lights were still on. Maybe he got the habit of sleeping with the lights on? I slowly came to him, put the blanket over , He had worn a loose white shirt with lots of button.. Ah darn it .. he moved !! "don't do it ... Please" he said with his distressed voice. I was scared to death, my heart was beating so fast like someone was chasing it. "are you with me?" I whispered. I moved my hand above his rainy look face, was he dreaming? I turned my head to see his face, he was sweating like it was raining in his bed. My hands were cold as ice. He looked so disturbed. I took a deep breath and started unbuttoning his shirt's low buttons. Gosh! If he wakes up and sees me doing it what will he think? Easy! I am a pervert who is horny at the middle of the night and want a fucking thingy to fuck !! That was just awful. I was doing it so fast but I was so nervous and scared so I wasn't good enough. "Shine, please DON'T" his voice scared the shit out of me and I lost my fucking destructive control and fell on his chest!!! I closed my eyes! No you've blown it bitch! You're dead now! He woke up from the pain. "What happened?" He saw me on his chest, took my arm and said with his frightened eyes: "You? Why are you here?" I got up quickly and him too.
He noticed his opened buttons on his lower part. Looked at my frightened face and said: "what were you doing to me???" I was about to cry. He came closer and asked his question again loudly. I put my finger on his lips quickly to shut him up. "PLEASE! you're mom's about to wake up! I'll explain! Please!" He pulled me away "mom's took sleeping pills, even if the world ends up here she doesn't wake up now!" He grabbed my pony tail and said harshly "now tell me!" I cried "Ahhh it hurts, let me go" he was hurting my head, closed his head to my ear and whispered, "I thought you were an innocent girl , but I was wrong!"
I pulled him and said. "NO! I wasn't doing any bad thing! I was just...! I was...!!!" He butted in "you were? You were what?" I sighed and said" if you tell me what was that shitty food, then I will explain why I was like that" I looked down not to look in his eyes. He grizzled. "Do I owe you now?" ... "No! Just please say! How were you eating that garbage!?" He looked seriously.. "I put a kind of strong medicine into it" ... I looked up to his face. "What? Are you on drugs?" He put his whole hand on my mouth .. "Shut up you little snake! Can you stop saying bullshits just forever???" He put his hand over. Sighed and stared at me. "Do you like me?" I blushed and looked around! Why the fuck he would ask that?! I'm going nuts!!! "wh....what?" I said like i just heard an awful joke .. He pulled my hair out to my ear and touched it for a sec. Took a deep breath and with that same attractive manly voice said: "don't ever fall for me." I looked down while I was blushing. Why was he like that? He didn't even try to ask again about what I'd done . he started closing his buttons while starring at me. I couldn't do anything. He smiled, "now go back to sleep" I swallow the water of my mouth and ran to the door...

The End of Chapter 06

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