Mysteries all around

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Chapter 05

I closed the door while was wondering what this paper is, who took this hear, why dad disappear like at this moment? When I didn't know anybody and anything ... when I was so alone and scared. In this fucking island ... "Kim..." that was Jake's soft and manly voice .. I turned back to him ..
He was standing downstairs of the main door, looking at me with his moon shaped eyes. I was still disappointed of what he did to me earlier .. I looked down and said slowly: "What? Do you want to say something?" "yeah I just want you to come home." I got my head up: "why?"
Was he sorry for that dreadful shout ?
He put his hands in his pockets "my mom will be ..." I stopped him on that words and said "Okay I know it all, I'll wait for her to come and I explain all the story that you took care of me in the morning. I don't think she'll get mad at this case." He slowly turned his head down and said "I'm just sorry for that" he looked so pale and faint.
I only looked at him. What the fuck was on his mind? He was the strangest human I've ever met. He went back to the house, without looking at me. His head was still down. But how could I reveal all those weird secrets, I was exploding. I decided to wait for Carmen to come from work. Took the paper that I had found in front of the door and left the house to their place. Carmen was a lovely and easy going person. She treated me kindly like she was my mother. She comforted me and said that she will protect me til my father comes. It was a little suspicious how can a stranger be this nice to me! I wondered if Jake is her real son or not because his heart in comparison to his mother's was a stone. also a cold one.
I was waiting for a situation to try to find that red coin. I need to take a long look at it again. I already knew which room is Jake's so I entered in. Checked all around quickly. I was afraid he shows up in front of me like a devil.
I could remember his pants he wore earlier. That was a black leather one. I found it !!! I looked for its pockets and no! There was nothing. God how foolish I am. He sure put it somewhere else since that was so precious to him. Suddenly I heard Carmen's voice getting closer to the room. I was so nervous, that's so awkward! If she sees me in his son's room what will she think of me? I looked around and decided to hide under the bed. I put myself there. I could feel the dusts touching my whole body, that felt so bad.
She entered the room. "Jake? Where did you go again?" I could see her feet walking all around the room. But, where did he go again? He seemed like he disappears a lot! "This coat is NOT dirty enough to get washed." sounds like she put something on the bed. I came out after she left the room. Checked the coat out and YES! couldn't believe what I was seeing. That fucking red coin. I was checking all around of if. There was a hole on top of it. And it has something written on it. "Shine"
what that should be for? Dear Lord I'm going crazy! I put it inside the pocket and left the room quickly.
Dinner time and we sat next to the table to eat. I could see Jake's pale face.
I put the first full spoon into my mouth. That was so delicious! Although I didn't know what was I eating, like mixes rice with so much fragrant spices and some small meats. I was so busy thinking about the scary bullshits and I forgot i was starving.
Jake and Carmen were looking at me like they never seen me before.
Carmen looked at Jake, "Honey, you're playing with the food if you're full, you can share it with Kim." "No, no,no no ma'am .. I am super full! Thanks for the great meal!" I lied! I was still hungry.
Carmen was talking with her eyes to Jake. Sh was forcing him to share with me. Cuz she definitely knew that I wasn't telling the truth.
Jake sighed ... He smiled by force and put his dish in front of me. He looked awfully angry,but that was hilarious! I smiled and put the spoon into my mouth and the world stopped!! Dear fucking lord! What the world was that taste???? How was he eating that shit ???
How did he was eating that shit? My face changed up to an annoying one. I couldn't swallow it but I had to. Jake was looking at me .. I could see his body got yellow. Maybe that was madness underneath his skin. I put the spoon on the table .. Put a fake smile on my mouth and said:"I told you I'm full. Btw thanks a world for everything ma'am!" She was wondering why was I behaving that way. "Okay, babe! You go get ready to sleep, we sleep together in my room!" Said Carmen kindly.
That night, at their home, on his mother's bed. I was wide awake.. shaking, biting my blanket and looking at the darkness.
Suddenly that fucking word came to my mind "Hamoor" ???? So it really can be? I mean everything was suspicious! His behavior, his moods, that red unknown thing, and the most scary one that shitty food... Maybe it had the ear's meat? Did his mom gaive that to me on purpose to scare me? what are they? Why am I here?! Where is dad ... I was about to cry. But how can I know if he's one of them? I sighed ... No that's the only way. I should undress him to see if he has bellybutton or not ... I covered myself with the blanket. God, how can I do this?
The End of Chapter 05

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