Who am I?

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Chapter 13
"Don't tell her anything! Let her grow up. Let her be a lady, and if she gets mature enough, then bring back her to her own land, her homeland,Where she belongs, the Hamoor Island!" My hands left the papers on the air, what did she mean by my homeland? Here? The Hamoors' island? I belong to this land? How? I could only mean one thing. No! It can't be true!! I heard the door's sound, "Kim?! I'm home!" That was dad, I stood up, ran to him with those pieces of papers in my hands. My face frightened pale face was shaking. Dad saw me that way running to him. "What are these shits huh??" I said. Dad took a look at my hands, his world has destroyed in one sec and he closed his eyes. "Tell me what is it saying, dad! Who am I???" I shout loudly. - "Calm down Kim, I'll explain! Please let me speak!" He said with his sad eyes. "Why are we here dad? Why? What's the reason?? I knew it can't be just because of your shitty job!" I came closer and hit his chest with my fists. "Just tell me! Why my mom gave birth to me while she knew that she'd die?" I was crying .. Nothing could calm me down. I was just hopping, that thing on my mind , couldn't be true! Dad opened his eyes slowly, "Okay, I was about to tell you, cuz it's already the time .. You're mature enough for it now." I took his collar hard and looked into his eyes, waiting for his words to come out from his mouth. "You, are ... A Hamoor" he said. I let my hands go slowly,my world stopped .. I shook my head like a psychopath and said, "No, it can't be true!" .. - "Your mom was a Hamoor too!" I sat down on the ground uncomfortably and looked down. Why all these turned out this way? All my 19 years old were just a lie? While I was searching for them, I was one of them and I didn't know that? How? I came to myself and took my shirt off and shouted. "So what is this?? I have a bellybutton! I can't be one of them!" Dad cried .. "That is fake, Kim" , I faked a laugh, "Ridiculous!" .. - "I'm a Human, and you mom was a Hamoor, so when you were born, because some genetically problems, your bellybutton hadn't disappeared but there soon was bellybutton hernia, with a simple surgery we fixed it."
I looked around and covered my eyes hardly, I could never understand anything. "Kim, I was about to tell you, that's why we're here, you should be here, because you belong to it. I'm just so sorry for everything, all I did was to protect you, because I love you." Dad telling these while comforting me. "But I never ate ear ..." I said slowly. "Maybe now you can get the reason why I insisted on eating all the meat soup every week." What was he saying? All my life he gave me the soup with human's ear and I had no idea about it? I hit the ground with my fists , "What have you done dad? You were killing people bc of me?". -" No babe ! I never killed anyone! I tried to do anything for you to survive! Not to feel the hunger. I never killed a single person for you , just believe me!" I stood up, tried to walk away. "Kim, please don't go! Believe me!" Dad was calling me while I was running to the jungle, now I could understand someone's feeling, now those words had some meaning to me. I could know more, I walked so fast ... I closed my eyes. I felt a warm and strong body hitting mine, I looked up to he his face. Right, that was him, Arthur. He hugged me hard. I started to hug him too. Yeah, he was the only one who knew me.

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